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Compatibility Mode


After searching through the forums, I wasn’t able to find a clear answer to my question.


I am trying to thinapp an old windows 98 title, which runs on windows XP when Compatibility Mode (windows 98/ windows ME) is used. Then after capturing the image, this setting doesn't thinapp into the EXE.


I have tried changing the setting on the EXE after building the package. I also changed the compatibility mode on the file in the capture directory before building the package. Neither worked.


Is there any trick to force Compatibility Mode to capture correctly?



%SystemSystem% dll missing import




I have captured an application but when I start it I got the error:

Missing Import C:\Windows\system32\ucrtbase.dll->kernelbase.dll:CreateProcessA


This dll is in the package at %SystemSystem%.


When I use the package entry externaldll:ucrtbase.dll then the error "shifts" to another dll.


Please can anyone give me a hint whats going wrong?



Trying to get Outlook to see ApplicationXtender add-in



I have tried having Outlook 2007 installed. Then captured the install of ApplicationXtender 5.4, but after running AppXtender later, it did not let Outlook see the add-in tha tis in the ApplicatinXtender\ install directory which is sandboxed.






I then tried to capture Outlook and ApplicationXtender separately but AppLinking the Optional, that still didn't work. I have no clue how to make this work, any pointers? I thought of maybe making 1 capture of both programs with multiple entry points, but that makes it larger and harder for updating single apps later.






On standard installs, Outlook and AppXtender find each other and Outlook automatically loads the add-in. 



Old thinapps don't work on Windows 7?


I have tested several of my apps, and they don't seem to work in the beta.


Could this be a problem for old packages then when Windows 7 is released also?



John Inge

MSI package update with Appsync


I am new to thinapp environment…can someone please provide me the steps to update the MSI package with ThinApp AppSync


- How to update a MSI thinapp package which is already installed on the machine (Appsync enabled package)

- If I copy the thinapp package (DAT and entry point) the Appsysnc works fine ….but if I install the MSI package on the machine, it doesn’t update with the new version of package .

- Do I need to copy new version of MSI package to the shared location or the actual DAT and entry points files ? ( I mean ,should I add the Appsysnc URL as …….package.msi or …..package.DAT ) ?

- Do I need to do anything different for MSI package to get updated with the new version of thinapp package ?

Sony vegas pro 14 portable?


Hi, this my first post on the VMWare forum and i'll like to know how to make Sony vegas pro 14 executable from an USB stick using thinapp

I've tried but Vegas continue saying that some DLLs are missing and returns "Application initialization error : ERROR CODE -59"

I will be very happy if anyone could help me with that because i need it for high school


(DLLs missing):





P.S.: i'm french so my english is not perfect, sorry in advance...



Unable to load required Type Library C:\Program Files\ThinstallPlugins\scripting.dll


Hi all,


I'm a newby for ThinApp, and I'm having this problem with a package, maybe someone could help with.


One of my packages runs perfectly as it is, but I need to add a vbs script to have it do something before the application starts. However, as soon as I add ANY script to the package and rebuild, I get this error on startup of the application:


Scripting System:

Unable to load required Type Library

C:\Program Files\ThininstallPlugins\scripting.dll

Error Code=0x8007000e


I can see scripting.dll being added to the build at the end of the building process, so that's not the problem.


The same thing happens when I build the application without a script, but applink it to another application that does have a script inside. (Although this second application runs fine when run on its own, and the script executes without problem).


Any suggestions would be appreciated.






ThinApping Firefox version 52 Using ThinApp 5.2.2




I am trying to ThinApp Mozilla Firefox v52 using ThinApp v5.2.2.


This is on a Windows 7 VM.


When I try to launch the ThinApp on my Windows 7 workstation, I receive an error that reads...Missing Import C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\ucrtbase.dll->kernelbase.dll:CreateProcessW.


Does anyone know how to correct this? I currently have Firefox v49 ThinApp'd and it works fine, but the newer versions have this issue.


Many thanks for any help you can provide!!

Entry Point to physical installed software


Hi guys


I am having an application which runs with an Access frontend (*.mde) and has in the background an oracle database.

Up till now the software was only compatible with access 2003 and we had the following installations thinapped:


- Access 2003

- Oracle Client

- Oracle ODBC Connection

- some regkeys


Now the application is compatible with access 2016. Access 2016 is installed on our base image, so we don't need to thinapp access 2016. We only need the Oracle Client, ODBC Connection, Regkeys... but the entry point has to be Access.


For example:


Source="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\MSACCESS.EXE"              (--> also tried it with %programdir% variable)


CommandLine="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\MSACCESS.EXE" /runtime "\\Server\Share\Access.mde




But at the end of the build process I get the Information that it can't find %programdir%\Microsoft Office\Office16\MSACCESS.EXE"

I guess it's looking for this path into the capture folder and not on the physical machine. How can I make this working or is it not possible?


The [Isolation] is set to: DirectoryIsolationMode=Merged



Kind regards


Howto pull a local winword 2016 in to thinapp .


Hi all,


We have a Java appled application, with require some local resources an a winword plugin.


All the local resources i have put in a thinapp.

If i open a word document from within the JavaAppled winword will start but my thinapp crashes! (i have a entry point to iexplore.exe on a windows 10 os)


I is use:





winword starts and no thinapp crash, but no i don't have the word plugin becourse winword start out side the thin environment.


so my question is how to pull winword 2016 in to a thinapp environment.


many thanks


ThinApp limitation question


Is there a posibility to virtualize a Windows 7 application to run on Windows XP or you can only virtualize from a lower OS to a higher OS.


Thanks you!

script error onfirstparentstart


Hi! I'm newbie to thinpacking, and I am trying to pack firefox 3.6.8 and java 6 update 21, and for some reason on windows 7 java hangs up when used, and (random).console.exe process stays on after closing firefox. I tried to make this function to kill prior hanged processes and clean leftover files when firefox starts, works fine on it's own, but when adding this to firefox project folder, I get error like this:


Script Error

Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error

Description : Object required: 'WScript'

File: (null)

Line 13, Character 0



Here is the script:


Function OnFirstParentStart


strComputer = "."


Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _

    & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!
" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

Set colProcessList = objWMIService.ExecQuery _

    ("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Name LIKE '%.console.exe%'")

For Each objProcess in colProcessList




Dim objFSO, copyFile, vSystemDrive

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

vAPPDATA = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%APPDATA%")

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

objFSO.DeleteFile(vAPPDATA & "\Thinstall\Mozilla Firefox\SKEL\*.*")



End Function



Please help....

Has anyone Thinapped Synapse for W7?


The capture was taken on a 32bit XP machine. Synapse is working fine for XP 32 bit OS. But for W7 32 bit it will not work. I get the information bubble indicating that it is reaching the vm thinapp capture then nothing happens. I attched the bubble or notification screen.



Cognos Impromptu 7.4




Does anyone have succesfully thinapped cognos 7.4 on windows 7 32bit?

I'm getting an error (Error -55 database activation cancelled) and i can't connect to the database.


The strange is when i start the Thinapp Log Monitor to see what is going wrong the connection to the database works fine.


Does anyone have an idea to fix this?


Thanks in advance.



Upggrading an app but using the newer version of ThinApp



I was catching up on the recent postings and saw this one: http://communities.vmware.com/thread/188674 and it made me wonder - what happens to a package if you update it using a newer version of ThinApp. Do any of the new fixes or features in 4.0.1 work or is it a "package" only (which by package I mean the real app, not the Thinapp virtual OS).






example: I package firefox 6 months ago in ThinApp 4.0.0, and today I want to deploy an updated Firefox using Thinapp 4.0.1. Does the base version of Thinapp actually change for users after this upgrade? Would it matter how I did the update, i.e. appsync versus just dropping in the new file with a ".1" in the name?



I am just curious and want to understand more about what happens in this scenario.






Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Premium ThinApp questions


This is my first experience with ThinApp and have questions to the experts here.


I finished the build process without any errors but I don't feel like it's completed successfully.

Here's why?


1. I used all the default setting and keep hitting next until about the last step when it asked you to build .msi and compressed the build. I checked those two boxes based on the youtube tutorial that I watched. But, when I open the "bin" folder, I do not see the .msi file.

Is that normal?


2. The Creative Suite Design Premium came with 14 applications such as Adobe BRIDGE, Device Central, DREAMWEAVER, ExtendScript Toolkit, Extension Manager, FIREWORKS, Flash Catalyst, Flash Professional, ILLUSTRATOR, INDESIGN, Media Encoder, PHOTOSHOP, Photoshop (64-bit), Pixel Binder Toolkit.

I picked those .exe files prior to the build process but when the build is done, I only see six application (Capitalized above).

Is that what it supposed to be? Not all application can be built as a ThinApp?


3. Maybe I need to rebuild it again. If I need to do that do I need to start from scratch again or I can just rebuild from the current capture files that I already have?


4. I was using Windows 7 Enterprise Edition 64-bit VM base image as my ThinApp 4.7.3 builder. Do I need to do all ThinApp building process on Windows XP instead? I'm not sure if 64-bit has anything to do with it or not. All of my VMware View desktop is using the same OS so I'm guessing I better use the same one?


Appreciate the feedback in advance.

Opening a support ticket would be my next step if I can't get help here.




Windows 10 and ThinApp's created on Windows 7




My agency is starting to migrate to Windows 10.


All of my ThinApp's have been created on Windows 7. Most of which were made using version 5.2.1


Some of the ThinApps launch normally, but some don't launch at all...with no error message.


Does anyone know what can be causing this? and how to correct it?

Will they have to be recreated on a Windows 10 workstation?


Any help is greatly appreciated!



ThinApp 5.2 released! Now supporting Windows 10


I'm happy to be able to announce the release of ThinApp 5.2! With Windows 10 support..

Get it here: VMware ThinApp 5

Extract thinapp .dat files


If I would create a tool to extract thinapp .dat files based based on reverse engineering would it be ok to publish it?

Thinapp Visio 2016


My company would like to try and Thinapp Visio 2016. I am first wanting to know if this is possible or if we should Thinapp Visio 2013 instead.


If it is possible, any documentation for help would be greatly appreciated.

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