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Registry Isolation Mode HKCU


I'm currently experiencing som issues with an Applications writing to HKCU on physical system. I want the Application to be allowed to Write to the physical registry on HKCU because its storing username, default instances and Window/columns, locations etc for that Application there.


So when I set the registry in HKCU to merged mode the Applications throws errors about not being able to Write the values. I check regedit, and the KEY's are created, but the values are not created. What am I doing wrong?


Also tried the following, instead of defining the actual registry location in the HKCU capture file, I cleared it and tried setting the Whole registry to merged mode through package.ini, but it threw the same errors.


Its packaged in Thinapp 5 on a Windows 2008 R2 server. Application Works great in the thinapp environment with the HKCU as default WriteCopy.


Thanks for any input

Troubleshooting "failed to create process default activation context"


I'm trying to thinstall some tutorials from the "Professor Teachers..." series. 



When I run then exe, I get "failed to create process default activation context".  The program seems to run fine, once you acknowelege the error.  I have checked the system logs, but the error isn't logged so I don't know what file or resource it is trying to access.  I am new to thinstall and I would like to know how to troubleshoot an error like this.  Thank you.

IIS Application Virtualization


Can IIS be virtualized? If so are there any limitations, caveats, etc?

Unable to load required Type Library C:\Program Files\ThinstallPlugins\scripting.dll


Hi all,


I'm a newby for ThinApp, and I'm having this problem with a package, maybe someone could help with.


One of my packages runs perfectly as it is, but I need to add a vbs script to have it do something before the application starts. However, as soon as I add ANY script to the package and rebuild, I get this error on startup of the application:


Scripting System:

Unable to load required Type Library

C:\Program Files\ThininstallPlugins\scripting.dll

Error Code=0x8007000e


I can see scripting.dll being added to the build at the end of the building process, so that's not the problem.


The same thing happens when I build the application without a script, but applink it to another application that does have a script inside. (Although this second application runs fine when run on its own, and the script executes without problem).


Any suggestions would be appreciated.






Windows 10 Thinapps - Slow Launch on Thinapp 5.2


Fortunately we've made progress since Thinapp 5.2 enables support for Windows 10, however every package that we've rebuilt with Windows 10 has the same issue. It can take anywhere from 1 minutes to 3 minutes to actually open. Once open, the application appears to function normally.


Is anyone else seeing this? I can't seem to find any posts regarding this issue but for us its happening on physical and virtual windows 10 machines.


I haven't tried to fully repackage an application on 5.2 yet but hoping that won't be required.


Any advice would be appreciated, if not then I'll go ahead and see if we can start a ticket on it.

Thinapp applications crash after installing Windows 10 Creators Update




we are running different virtual applications with thinapp on windows 10.
After upgrading to windows 10 creator update these applications crash.

Every time the event viewer shows an error 1000, Application crash, Faulting Module c:\windows\system32\oleaut32.dll.


We tried with thinapp 5.2 and 5.2.2.


Is this a known issue with the creator update ?


Kind Regards,


Verheijden Thierry.

Thinapp Foxit Phantom PDF with OCR



I have successfully thinapp Foxit Phantom PDF 8.3. But have some trouble with OCR.

If user run OCR engine (it starts FREngineProcessor.exe) Foxit crashes on exit (see attach).

If user doesn't launch OCR Foxit stops normally.

Did somebody resolve similar problem?

P.S. OS: Windows Server 2012 R2, Thinapp ver.: 5.0 - 5.2.2

VMWare Thinapp new release?


Does VMWare plan new Thinapp releases?

Is there some announcements? Will Thinapp be a standalone product?

Get the correct local IP address from java applet


Hello all, I have Problem go through it!


I would like to determine the local IP address from my java applet. The problem is when there are several IP adresses on the same machine, which has LAN and internet connections (palm, VMWare...).


Here is my test :


public static void main(String[] args) {   try {   String hostName = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();   System.out.println("HostName = " + hostName);   System.out.println("HostAddressLocal = " +   InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress());   InetAddress[] inetAddresses = InetAddress.getAllByName(hostName);   for (InetAddress inetAddress : inetAddresses) {   System.out.println("hostAddress = " + inetAddress.getHostAddress());   }   } catch (Exception e) {  e.printStackTrace();   }   }

The result is :


  HostName = xxxx    HostAddressLocal = xx.xx.xx.xx    hostAddress =    hostAddress =    hostAddress =


where xx.xx.xx.xx isn't the correct address. The correct is


EDIT in response to jarnbjo :


Your Crystal Report ball say the truth. You've understand my problem. The client can connect through a proxy so I can not use your first point. If I execute this code below on my computer :


Socket s = new Socket("www.w3c.org", 80);     InetAddress ip = s.getLocalAddress();     System.out.println("Internet IP = " + ip.toString());     s.close(); 


I have this result :

    >> Internet IP = /

And not




Windows 10 and ThinApp's created on Windows 7




My agency is starting to migrate to Windows 10.


All of my ThinApp's have been created on Windows 7. Most of which were made using version 5.2.1


Some of the ThinApps launch normally, but some don't launch at all...with no error message.


Does anyone know what can be causing this? and how to correct it?

Will they have to be recreated on a Windows 10 workstation?


Any help is greatly appreciated!



Bentley Microstation




I am trying to capture Bentley Microstation v8 - without success.


I can convert the snapshot to an EXE and the application launches normally but when I try to access in the menu Extras -> Makro -> Projektmanager (which lists auto-loaded VB-addons) the whole application hangs. (If I add VB-addons for our CAD users to the captured files the application hangs at its Splash screen.)


I have attached the "Potential Errors" part of the trace file. As a new thinapp user I am confused where to start to look at.


Has anybody a hint for me?



Kind regards,


Ruediger Herrmann

dll - the specified module could not be found




Wondering if anyone can help, having issues ThinApping an application which uses C++ runtime dll's. The application in question is a calibration tester for gas detectors and isn't available for public use. The application launches fine but when you choose to edit a calibration file, which is literally just a file, you click edit and Windows Explorer launches to browse for the file, you can choose the file and then following error pops up:


Unable to load mfc80.dll - The specified module could be found


I can see the above dll within the winsxs folder so it exists, I have also tried copying the dll file to the %systemsystem% folder, when copied to the %systemsystem% folder the above error disappears but then a new error pops up:


Runtime Error!

R6034 An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly.


And at this point I'm stuck. I have read up a bit about dll's not being loaded/found and implemented some of the suggestions on this forum including:


- ThinApping the application with C++ Redistributable Package 2005 (2005 appears to the C++ package with this specific dll in it)

- Adding ExternalDLLs=mfc80.dll to the package.ini

- Copied all the dll's (not just the one dll which appears to be causing me problems) within the winsxs to the relevant %systemsystem% and %systemsystem(x64)% folders


ThinApp was done on Windows 7 x64 capture machine, using ThinApp 5.2.1 and target VDI desktop is also Windows 7 x64.


I can run the ThinApped application fine from various other Windows 7 desktops including the machine it was captured on and my own personal laptop, appears to be an issue with target VDI desktop we wish to deploy to.


Anyone else had any experience of this? Any suggestions?

Insert activex controls in Excel 2010


I have virtualized Office 2010 and in the interim of using Excel , I cannot insert activeX controls. I get a message saying Cannot insert Object. Any ideas?


RelauchUsingCreateProcess::CreateProcess failed "c:\MyApp\Start.bat"


I have created a Thinapp and installed to my USB (drive E). When I try to start using Start.exe which tries to launch Start.bat I get the Error: .


When I run from the install to and run from the hard drive of the computer that the USB is using the ThinApp works fine. The hard drive is C: as is the virtual drive letter (the drive letter from which the ThinApp was created in a VMWare Workstation).


Is this a permissions issue or a drive letter issue?


Thx, Joe

Metastorm BPM & .net script host issue


Hi all,


I'm currently trying to get an application to work called Metastorm BPM designer. This application uses .net framework 3.0 (which was captured seperatly). The application does not start up correctly on both the capturing machine as well as on a test machine (it gets stuck on the splash screen)


When tying to remove the hkey_local_machine keys everything worked fine again on the capturing machine (which of course is normal). Narrowing it down I think i found the problem. Removing the following key and it subskeys make the application workable on the capturing machine but not on the test machine. The test machine is complaining about not being able to work with the JScipt script host similar to http://metastorm.processmapping.com.au/tool/post/ework/vpost?id=2804606.




isolation_full HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\CLSID\{267ECC24-CB85-4C55-85CD-7EECCC48461B}\InprocServer32








REG_SZ~eWork.Designer.ScriptHost, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0fa3cc64eebf4c8b#2300




REG_SZ~file:///C:/Program Files/Metastorm BPM/Designer/Dotnetbin/eWork.Designer.ScriptHost.DLL#2300



Thinking that this is a com+ error i tried


  • externaldll option with the eWork.Designer.ScriptHost.DLL

  • setting up virtual dcom process outside of the thinapp

  • Using ExternalCOMObjects={267ECC24-CB85-4C55-85CD-7EECCC48461B} makes the application work on the capturing machine but still not on the test machine. I get the error that  {267ECC24-CB85-4C55-85CD-7EECCC48461B} is not registered so i tried registering it manually which didnt help


This ofcourse didn't work !http://communities.vmware.com/images/emoticons/happy.gif!. Could someone help?


Thank in advance



WriteProcessMemory Function not working in Virtualised App




I have been using ThinApp for some time now without any problems.


Recently I virtualised a program, that uses ReadProcessMemory and WriteProcessMemory function to interact with other processes. The program works flawless if it is not virtualised. But once I virtualise it, the WriteProcessMemory functionality does not work at all, while all the functions relating to readProcessMemory work fine.


I thought, that it might have to do with the Isolation modes and I tryed all three Isolationmodes, but the problem remins.


Why does WriteProcessMemory not work in virtualised applications?


I'm using latest ThinApp on windows 10 64 Bit.

.Net Framework application using Applink - have to launch twice before it executes



I have been trying to ThinApp the RSS Bandit application, a .Net Framework based application which requires .Net Framework v3.5.  I have created a separate ThinApp of .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 and then subsequently created a ThinApp of RSS Bandit.   Finally added an Applink (tried both optional and required) to the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 capture.  The capture was taken on a vanilla XP SP2 VMware Workstation image.  I am using ThinApp version 4.0.2866.



However when I run RSS Bandit for it spawns the license window in the bottom right hand corner and then a few seconds later disappears.  The RSS Bandit.exe process sticks in Task Manager at about 12-15MB of memory but utilising zero CPU.  If I run the process again it spawns a separate instance and the license window appears and stays visible longer and you can see it begin to process the .NET Framework elements.  The application then launches and functions as expected.   This has to be done everytime to get the application to launch.  You have to then manually kill the remaining RSS Bandit process. 



I am also experiencing the same issue with Paint.NET application.  As I thought I would try a different .NET application to try and pinpoint the cause - this seems to point to it being the .NET Framework element, I think!



I have also attempted to capture the entire installation (.NET Framework and RSS Bandit) together without success but even if this had been unsuccessful it is highy undesirable as the application is intended for streaming via a network share.



Has anyone seen this type of issue before and can offer any advice how to resolve at all please?  it's doing my head in.  I must have recaptured .NET Framework and RSS Bandit a dozen times each by now.



Any advice gratefully received!  Thanks in advance.









ThinApp Script to terminate child processes


Working on virtualizing Quickbooks 2012 Premier with Eval version of ThinApp 4.7.


QB leaves 3 or 4 processes running after closing QB that consume too much RAM to keep running indefinitely in a Remote Desktop environment, so I'd like them to terminate along with QuickBooks. My experiments thus far show no ill effects from doing so, aside from longer QB load times. And it has the side-benefit of preventing background QB updates, which, here, is desireable.


I am including a VBScript with my package that works correctly outside the bubble, but does not work at all when run from the OnFirstParentExit callback. The relevant code follows:


Function OnFirstParentExit     Dim objWMIService     Dim colProcess     Dim objProcess     strComputer = "."     Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")     Set colProcess = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process")     For Each objProcess in colProcess          If InStr(UCase(objProcess.Name), "QUICKBOOKS") > 0 Then               objProcess.Terminate          End If     Next
End Function


I've verified that closing QB does, in fact, run this procedure, by adding a Wscript.Echo statement.


Is it not possible to terminate these processes from a script within the bubble? If so, is there a way to have OnFirstParentExit run this procedure outside the bubble?



Thinapp file associations.


We are in the middle of piloting VMware view for our virtual desktop.

We have a Windows 8.1 gold image with Office on and we thinapp all other apps.

The problem I am having is with file associations. I have read a lot of posts about thinreg, but that doesn't seem to work.

Our apps are registered in Programs and features (add/remove progs).

For example, Visio 2007. The user wants to double click on a vsd file and have it launch Visio.

The thinapps are on a network share.


Is it a Windows 8.1 problem? Can anyone else open a vsd file in Visio?



How to ThinApp Java 7 version 55


Running Windows 7 32 Bit

Running ThinApp Setup Capture 4.6.2-467908


I follow these steps:

Step by Step Instructions on How to ThinApp Newer Java Versions | VMware ThinApp Blog - VMware Blogs


I realize these instructions are a few years old.  I do get some issues.


1)  I do not get the option to customize the Java install


2)  Internet Explorer 8 does not show me to under Manage  Add-Ons JQSIEStartDetectorImpl Class  I do disable both SSV Helper Classess.  I leave the Java pluging

3)  When I do a post scan, I uncheck all and check for debug options but iexplore.exe isn't one of them for an entry point

4)  I checked java.exe as my entry point since one is required

5)  I edited the package.ini and the project as stated

6)  I build it


7)  We use a central location on the network for thinapps.  I place it there.


8)  Thru a Virtual Desktop I verify that I am running 6.16


9)  I go to the network location and execute bin\java.exe or %ProgramFilesDir%\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe


10)  Open IE and test the version.  Still 6.16


Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

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