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I'm interested in this product but am a bit cloudy on how the licensing works.



Let's take Visio 2003 as an example. If I'm not using ThinApp (installing the program on the local disk) and need to make sure 30 PCs have Visio 2003, I would have to have 30 licenses for Visio 2003.



How does this work with ThinApp? Do I still have to have 30 Visio licenses?



FYI - ThinApp 4.0.1 vs 4.0.0



Hi all,



Just thought I'd put up a quick FYI about what I've found from 4.0.1 vs 4.0.0.



4.0.1 fixed many of the problems that we'd been facing with the SAP GUI client and allowed us to package it without the problems we had from 4.0.0.  However, for other products, when they were built with 4.0.1, the MSI files suddenly became much, MUCH larger (sometimes several hundred percent bigger than when packaged with 4.0.0) and some functionality broke altogether.  For example, when packaging one of our programs, a DLL failed to be recognised and registered, with 4.0.1, and wouldn't allow us to run the program.  The exact same capture, but built with 4.0.0, allowed the program to run as required.  I'll be opening a support incident with ThinApp about this particular example shortly. This is only one of several programs which I've had success with when built with 4.0.0 but total failure when built with 4.0.1



My advice? Build with 4.0.0, and if it doesn't work, try 4.0.1 - this formula has worked for me so far.



Anyone else found any weird quirks with 4.0.1, similar to above, or is it just me?



Missing DLL in Windows 7


Hey Folks,


Pretty new to Thinapp here and am running into a problem.  I am packaging some applications on Windows XP and trying them out in Windows 7.  When I go to run them in Windows 7, I get the error that it's missing some .dll files.  So far this is happening with all the applications I have tried so it's probably something I am doing wrong in the packaging process.  Can anyone shed any light on what might be going on?  I am attaching a screen of the error and my package.ini file.



Virtual Drives - how to avoid, and save files wherever you want.



I know from the 'help'  - a line there mentioned a simple change to alter this ~ how simple and where to find the info though!?



so if someone can direct or give direct info on what where ot change it'd be much appreciated..



when you thinstall an app - it sets Virtual drives within the install folder, so that when you for example use the program and save a file o fany kind - it ends up in the virtual folder - even if you navigate to where you really want it to be saved - first time I did this I was ??? where's the file I just saved??????  then figured out it was in a virtual drive sub-folder of the programs install folder.



So question is - how to (presume edit the ini file) to make it so I can save a file either where I opened it from, or I can navigate and save where I choose - and not use the  Virtual drive folder ---  this is for when the app' thin-installed  for use on own Pc - as opposed to portable and for use on another pc.



many thanks.



oh.. and does the ini edit have to be dobe prior to the build - or can I edit the current ini file After thin-install?



thanks again.



Windows 7 compatibility of Thinapp?


Is there any possibility that a conversion tool be released by VMware to convert all packaged Thinapp .exe to new .exe that would be Windows 7 compatible? Currently, all Thinapp .exe crash in Windows 7 (RTM, 32- and 64-bit). We did not keep the source capture files for many of these apps, so we cannot just repackage them later on with a new build of Thinapp?

ERROR ThinApp Adobe Acrobat Reader 11.0.09


Does anyone have Acrobat Reader 11.0.09 created as ThinApp? When i click the new big "Open" button i get an error message. This should open a Acrobat.com Explorer.



COMDLG32.dll missing on the computer. Install the program again to correct the problem


Installed on Windows 7 x64 blank with ThinApp 5.1.0 or ThinApp 5.0.0

The same error also comes at Windows XP blank with TinApp 5.1.0 or ThinApp 5.0.0


Someone has a solution?

Office 2007 usability



Has anyone achieved 100% functionality wth Office 2007 via Thinstall?  I was going to use Office 2007 as one of my proof-of-concept (POC) applications, but keep running into various issues (copy/paste, re-execution failures, etc.).  I'm packaging on Win XP SP2.  I've tried packaging the apps individually and packaging a full Office installation, but continue to encounter minor glitches.  I'm opening a support case on at least one of these, and will probably open others.  I also realize that this is still in beta, so I don't expect it to be perfect.  I'm just trying to figure out if I'm doing something wrong.  Thanks.



For whatever it's worth, my IE7 package is working perfectly, which is my other POC application for now.



Mozilla FireFox ThinApp - flash player not work


Dear all,

we are searching the correct way to ThinApp Mozilla FireFox version 45, we've tried everything that we found in internet, any user guide ..but it was useless.. no one of this works well.


Each time we want to start Adobe Flash Player version test, on this link https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html, we get this error;



Unable to load DLL


C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerPugin_21_0_0_213.exe -> COMDLG32.dll


Access Denied.



We also tried to ThinApp Adobe Flash Player separately and link it to the project through package.ini with command "OptionalAppLinks=plugins\*.exe" but for Firefox doesn't work, it works very well for Internet Explorer.


As last test we've tried to install directly on base image on local machine but we get the same error message.



There are some suggestions ?

Your Runtime License has Expired



I have a customer who downloaded and installed the 60-day Trial of ThinApp... by the 45th day or so, she liked it so much that she had



already virtualized about 3 dozen or so Apps... The License file was, of course, the Trial license...






Well, she just purchased and received her ThinApp "real" License, but not before the Trial one ran out...  So now, every time she launches



a ThinApp'd app, she immediately gets a small screen that says, "License Error:  Your Runtime License Has Expired"... She can only



click "OK", and that's it... Nothing else...






Where can I tell her to go, to input the new Production license file that she has just purchased, so that all her Apps "work" again?



Is she just hosed?  Will she have to re-virtualize all those Apps again?









Thinapp and browsers (Chrome and Firefox), lots of issues




Are there some guidelines or best practices for capturing Chrome and Firefox?  The reason I am asking is that we are having a bunch of issues with each.  In more detail:


Chrome: We thinapped the latest version of Chrome, without any additional plugins, with and without the --no-sandbox option per the KB article here:

http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2104409VMware KB: Google Chrome fails when capturing Google Chrome with VMware ThinApp

This one works fine on the initial run, but after it is closed and opened a second time, it will not work properly after that.  It crashes, then upon re-launching it will consume 100% cpu and its window never opens even though the process is running.  If I clear the Thinapp sandbox folder for Chrome, it will open up fine for the first time, but when opening a second time the same issue comes back.


Firefox: We thinapped the latest version of Firefox, along with the latest Java 1.8.x, latest Flash, and VMware client integration plugin.  It worked fine for about a week then all of a sudden one day it no longer launches (and we haven't changed anything) with the error: Fatal Application Exit, Unable to Open.


I've been looking around and the information is fragmented.  I've seen posts with similar issues in the past but supposedly they were resolved with later versions of the Thinapp setup capture program which we are using the very latest and greatest version (5.1.1).  To my knowledge we are using best practices and using a bare minimum Windows 7 VM to capture with.  Any help would be appreciated, if there have been known working solutions or combinations of versions that work.


Thanks in advance.

Thinapp 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 crashes with application - Thinapp 5.0 works fine


I recently tried to package a medical software package called MediConnect 2.8.


The Thinapp package was made with Thinapp 5.2.1.

When starting the package after the build, the application crashed with the following error:

I tried to redo the package using different settings, but to no avail.

Then I rebuild the package using the older Thinapp 5.0 and the package works fine.


I have had the same problem with Thinapp 5.2.1 in the past with the Microsoft Dynamics 2012 sofware.

Would not work at all and crashes at startup.


Today, I tried the same with the new Thinapp 5.2.2 but infortunately, the result is the same.

Does anyone have any idea why the current versions of Thinapp seem to be less stable and trouble-free than the previous ones?

ThinApp Project 2010 + Native Excel 2010




To be able to use Project 2010 visual reports, it requires Excel.

But the ThinApp can't find it when it's installed nativelly. And unfortunatelly, Applink to Excel ThinApp triggers the licensing error.

Is there a workaround?



Thinapp Visio 2016


My company would like to try and Thinapp Visio 2016. I am first wanting to know if this is possible or if we should Thinapp Visio 2013 instead.


If it is possible, any documentation for help would be greatly appreciated.

Regional settings



I need to thinapp application which need english regional settings

whatever I do, thinapped application uses system regional settings



where is the problem ?







thinapp process Firefox 49.x kills


Hi everyone,


we're experiencing a problem with the thinapp of Firefox; since Mozilla Firefox 49.0, the thinapp process of the packaged application kills after a couple of seconds after starting the entrypoint. The problem occurs in 49.0 and 49.0.1 (x64).

We ran LogMonitor but couldn't identify the problem.


I copied he most important entries in the trace file into the end of this discussionentry.


Does anyone encounter the same issues?

And if so, and when solved, what was the solution to the problem?


Does anyone have an idea to the solution?





1st terminate in logmonitortracefile:
000169 00137814353763 2a38 02b8 ????????????:0000000077810a62->????????????:0000000077a6bb80 NtCallbackReturn (PVOID =*2D5FA40h, ULONG =18h, NTSTATUS =0h)
000171 00137815555249 2a38 02b8 ++++ Prior function NtCallbackReturn did not terminate properly -- possible exception


1st failed:
000154 00137633236148 0000 30dc NtQueryKey hKey=30h InfoClass=7 -> 0x0 (success) [*** key not seen before @5][*** Resolvehandle failed]
000156 00137633308477 0000 30dc NtOpenKey h=0000012C OK ObjAttr=("Software\Thinstall\RuntimeObjects" rooth=00000030 CASE_INSENSITIVE) Access=(unk=2000000h)  [Open found in RW_View]

000174 00137816052617 2a38 02b8 ????????????:0000000077812658->????????????:0000000077a6bb80     NtCallbackReturn (PVOID =*2D5FA40h, ULONG =18h, NTSTATUS =0h)
000175 00137816349087 0000 02b8                                                                  NtQueryValueKey h=0000012C st=C0000034 (Object Name not found)***  InfoClass=2 KeyValuePartialInformation [12ch=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Thinstall\RuntimeObjects][HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Thinstall\RuntimeObjects [SBMessage] failed, not found & isolated]
000176 00137822148741 2a38 02b8 ++++ Prior function NtCallbackReturn did not terminate properly -- possible exception


001577 00142844200061 0000 02b8                                                                  NtQueryValueKey h=0000012C st=C0000034 (Object Name not found)***  InfoClass=2 KeyValuePartialInformation [12ch=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Thinstall\RuntimeObjects][HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Thinstall\RuntimeObjects [SBMessage] failed, not found & isolated]
001578 00142844202636 2a38 02b8 ????????????:0000000077913ddc<-????????????:0000000077a6bca0     NtQueryValueKey+
001580 00142894962242 0000 30dc                                                                  ExitProcess 0
001581 00142939393988 0000 30dc                                                                  NtMapViewOfSection h=000001B0 OK ph=-1  base=22E1C8h/2430000h zero=0h commit=0h/0 offset=22E1C0h/0h/0 size=22E1D0h/10000h/65536 inherit=(1 ViewShare) alloc=(0h) protect=(4h PAGE_READWRITE)
001582 00142939620812 0000 30dc                                                                  virtual_NtOpenKey_nt hKey=0, subkey=Software\Thinstall\ProcessList -> 0x0 (success) [Open found in RW_View]
001583 00142939651415 0000 30dc                                                                  virtual_NtOpenKey_nt hKey=0, subkey=Software\Thinstall\AuxProcessList -> 0x0 (success) [Open found in RW_View][Open found in RW_View]
001584 00142939687167 0000 30dc                                                                  virtual_NtEnumerateValueKey_nt -> 0x8000001a *** failed [Open found in RW_View][Open found in RW_View][1b4h=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Thinstall\AuxProcessList][ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS]
001585 00142939698221 0000 30dc                                                                  CloseVirtualRegistryKeyHandle hKey=1b4h (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Thinstall\AuxProcessList)
001586 00142939703914 0000 30dc                                                                  NtClose h=000001B4 OK
001587 00142939766133 0000 30dc                                                                  virtual_NtEnumerateValueKey_nt -> 0x0 (success) [Open found in RW_View][Open found in RW_View][1b4h=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Thinstall\AuxProcessList][ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS][19ch=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Thinstall\ProcessList][19ch=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Thinstall\ProcessList]
001588 00142939870635 0000 30dc                                                                  virtual_NtEnumerateValueKey_nt -> 0x8000001a *** failed [Open found in RW_View][Open found in RW_View][1b4h=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Thinstall\AuxProcessList][ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS][19ch=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Thinstall\ProcessList][19ch=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Thinstall\ProcessList][19ch=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Thinstall\ProcessList][ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS]
001589 00142939878637 0000 30dc                                                                  CloseVirtualRegistryKeyHandle hKey=19ch (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Thinstall\ProcessList)
001590 00142939883124 0000 30dc                                                                  NtClose h=0000019C OK
001592 00142939887033 0000 30dc                                                                  This is the last non-service process in this sandbox
001593 00142939920182 0000 30dc                                                                  virtual_NtOpenKey_nt hKey=0, subkey=Software\Thinstall\StubProcessList -> 0x0 (success) [Open found in RW_View]
001594 00142940005248 0000 30dc                                                                  virtual_NtEnumerateValueKey_nt -> 0x0 (success) [Open found in RW_View][19ch=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Thinstall\StubProcessList][19ch=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Thinstall\StubProcessList]
001595 00142940029538 0000 30dc                                                                  virtual_NtEnumerateValueKey_nt -> 0x8000001a *** failed [Open found in RW_View][19ch=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Thinstall\StubProcessList][19ch=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Thinstall\StubProcessList][19ch=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Thinstall\StubProcessList][ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS]
001596 00142940050732 0000 30dc                                                                  CloseVirtualRegistryKeyHandle hKey=19ch (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Thinstall\StubProcessList)
001597 00142940062209 0000 30dc                                                                  NtClose h=0000019C OK
001601 00142940087230 0000 30dc                                                                  ExitProcess-stage 3
001603 00142940088628 0000 30dc                                                                  ExitProcess-stage 5
001605 00142940091142 0000 30dc                                                                  Shutdown: Deleting temp files
001607 00142940092406 0000 30dc                                                                  ExitProcess-stage 6
001609 00142940094816 0000 30dc                                                                  ExitProcess-stage 7

000159 00097942544727 0000 0604 NtOpenKey h=0022F2A0 st=C0000034 (Object Name not found)*** ObjAttr=("Software\VMware, Inc.\ThinApp\PackageSettings" rooth=00000030 CASE_INSENSITIVE) Access=(READ/LIST)  [Software\VMware, Inc.\ThinApp\PackageSettings not found in RW_View or RO_View & fully isolated]
000163 00097947539187 0000 0604 NtQueryKey hKey=30h InfoClass=7 -> 0x0 (success) [*** key not seen before @5][*** Resolvehandle failed]
000164 00097947599283 0000 0604 NtOpenKey h=0022F2A0 st=C0000034 (Object Name not found)*** ObjAttr=("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\Installations" rooth=00000030 CASE_INSENSITIVE) Access=(READ/LIST READ_EA WRITE_EA WRITE_ATTR READ_CONTROL)  [SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\Installations not found in RW_View or RO_View & fully isolated]

Thinapp 5.0, removable disk and ghost drive letters


I'm using some simple applications packaged with Thinapp 5.0.  When a thinapped V5 app is running and I eject a removable disk such as usb flash disk, the drive letter remain assigned.

When a removable disk is re-inserted, the next available letter will be assigned..


The only way to reclaimed the "ghost" driver letters is to close any thinapped application..


Any clues?

ThinApp 4.5 Released


Just a quick reminder, that ThinApp 4.5 got released.  Here are a few quick links:


Download: http://downloads.vmware.com/d/info/desktop_downloads/vmware_thinapp/4_5


Release Notes: http://www.vmware.com/support/thinapp4/doc/releasenotes_thinapp45.html

What's New


The 4.5 release adds the following features to improve usability, performance, and updates:



  • Support for Windows Server 2008 R2, 32-bit Windows 7, and 64-bit Windows 7 operating systems.


  • ThinApp version updates to incorporate the latest features or support enhancements without rebuilding packages. The relink.exe utility updates existing packages.


  • Compression of MSI packages that uses the MSICompressionType parameter to improve the ThinApp SDK performance.


  • Reduced memory consumption and page file usage to improve startup performance. The OptimizeFor parameter works with the CompressionType parameter to customize memory performance and startup time.


  • Anonymous collection of statistics to expand the support for applications. You can use the Setup Capture wizard or the QualityReportingEnabled parameter to help VMware build support for applications and help you migrate more native applications to a virtual environment.


  • Loading of DLL files as virtual DLL files without using API functions. The ForcedVirtualLoadPaths parameter loads external system DLL files that depend on DLL files inside the package.


  • Product interface updates to improve usability and link to video and documentation information. German and Japanese versions of the ThinApp User's Guide are available.




VMware vExpert 2009


NOTE: If your problem or questions has been resolved, please mark this thread as answered and award points accordingly.

Thinapp Office 2013 on Windows 7 and run on Win XP




I need to run an thinapped Office on Win XP.

I have tried to anaylze Office Outlook with Dependency Walker and I have copied all needed dlls to the %SystemSystem% folder.

But when I want to run the thinapped Office on the capturing machine after build the app crashes immediately.


Its error message : Fehlermodulname:    StackHash_ed7a.


Does anyone have a hint how to analyze the error message?


Attached you can find the dll files in the %SystemSystem" folder.

Thinapp IE7 running on Windows 7


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



I'm trying to Thinapp IE7 (on an XP machine) and ultimately run on a Windows 7 machine.  The Thinapp appears to build successfully, but crashes (on Win7) after the initial Thinapp splash screen appears at application execution.


The Thinapp was built using recommendations provided on VMware KB



Thinapp 4.7.3 was used to build application



I have also tried using the wow64=0 option within the package.ini with no success

Office 2003 Pro - Cannot print from Powerpoint


Hi - Not sure what I'm doing wrong here...


Using ThinApp 4.0.0-2200 to capture Office 2003 Pro via a clean XP Pro VM


Captures fine, builds fine & works a treat EXCEPT - trying to print from Powerpoint generates a "No printers are installed. To install a printer : ...." (see attached screengrab)

All the other Office 2003 programs (Access, Excel, Publisher & Word) can print fine using locally installed printers.


I've tried re-capturing via a clean 2000 Pro VM, with the same result.

I've also sucessfully captured Office 97 Pro and Office 2000 Pro in exactly the same way and they all work perfectly. Whats different about printing from Powerpoint 2003?


Any suggestions.




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