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newbie: MSI and streaming and VIEW desktops


I have been reading documentation, and still just don't really "get it"


If I package an application, and have a single entry point .exe file as well as an MSI file, how do I "stream" the application to end user desktops (VIEW VMs in particular, but any desktop really) without having to have a disk large enough to "install" the applications  that have been packaged?


If I use the MSI does that fully "install" the application to my target desktop? I think it is at least supposed to put down shortcuts, right? But do the shortcuts point to my network location so that the app is streamed to the desktop? Or does that only happen when I launch the app with the .exe?


I have read that VIEW (also a newbie with that) REQUIRES that one use the MSI to deliver the applications - so if the MSI installs the app to the desktop hard disk, then how does that help me keep my disk small?


What I would like to do, really is get all (or most) of my applications ThinApp packaged, and then have all users start to use the apps from the network location, and then start to deploy VIEW with the ThinApp applications being exclusively how the apps are launched. I'd like to keep my linked clone disks for win7 (the golden master copy) no bigger than maybe 25GB and still deliver all of office 2010 and 5 or 10 other verticle specific apps and the usual "reader, flash, quicktime, etc ...."


Am I chasing hot air, not really understanding something, or is what I want to do possible?

Thinapp Group policy for Disable Entry Point Shortcuts does not work




We are using Windows 8.1 with 2012 R2 domain controllers in a View 5.3 environment.


I have been trying to implement the new feature in Thinapp 5.1 that provides central management of Thinapp entrypoints/shortcuts.

Link to VMware documentation that I have followed-> ThinApp 5.1 Documentation Center


I have been done the following when trying to implement this:

  1. created a Thinapp package with the following inventory name: firefox
  2. apppolicy.exe /c firefox (to create a custom adml and admx file to put on the domain controller)
  3. change all entries in the template files that has Class=”Machine” with Class = “User” to change the templates to GPO USER policy
  4. copied the custom Firefox templates AND baseline templates to .\policydefinitions on primary domain controller
  5. create a group policy object
  6. linked the group policy object to OU and used security filtering to a specific AD group that should only have some custom firefox shortcuts and not all entrypoints/shortcuts in the Thinapp package


When I logon to the Windows desktop no registry values under HKCU\software is created that is named Thinapp. I also run gpresult /r and verify that my user is applying the correct GPO's.


Does anyone have some experience with this feature and have got this to work?


This is a very nice improvement to avoid having multiple Thinapp packages to get multiple entrypoint configurations..

Partition Dependency




I have an application which is packaged on the partition H:\. It is working on this partition. But when I boot the PC to another partition like G:\ the application is not working. Has anyone experienced this? Is there any way to disable the partition dependency?


Best regards

Entry Point to physical installed software


Hi guys


I am having an application which runs with an Access frontend (*.mde) and has in the background an oracle database.

Up till now the software was only compatible with access 2003 and we had the following installations thinapped:


- Access 2003

- Oracle Client

- Oracle ODBC Connection

- some regkeys


Now the application is compatible with access 2016. Access 2016 is installed on our base image, so we don't need to thinapp access 2016. We only need the Oracle Client, ODBC Connection, Regkeys... but the entry point has to be Access.


For example:


Source="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\MSACCESS.EXE"              (--> also tried it with %programdir% variable)


CommandLine="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\MSACCESS.EXE" /runtime "\\Server\Share\Access.mde




But at the end of the build process I get the Information that it can't find %programdir%\Microsoft Office\Office16\MSACCESS.EXE"

I guess it's looking for this path into the capture folder and not on the physical machine. How can I make this working or is it not possible?


The [Isolation] is set to: DirectoryIsolationMode=Merged



Kind regards


64 Bit OS/Apps don't support VBS?


We have recently moved to 64 bit base OS for Horizon.

When building any thinapp on this new base OS, it will not work if I include a VBS file (for doing the FirstParentStart functions etc):


  • Packaged Thinapp works fine without a VBS file.
  • VBS file works fine on it's own.
  • Even if I comment out everything or have a blank VBS file, the ThinApp package doesn't work.


It does attempt to run, but fails:

  • ThinApp popup appears with license details
  • the process spawns (seen in Task Manager), but then exits.
  • Packaged App doesn't run
  • no errors are shown.


Found similar issue (VB script crash thinapp ) but the solution doesn't apply to me as that DLL is not present in the package.


Any ideas?

Using ThinApp 5.2.2

Extract thinapp .dat files


If I would create a tool to extract thinapp .dat files based based on reverse engineering would it be ok to publish it?

VBScript to copy file to sandbox, not virtual file system


Wondering if anyone can help, I have a VBScript which is attempting to copy a folder to the local sandbox but it keeps copying to the virtual file system, is there a way around this? I have implemented a msgbox to verify the path I have specified and it's given me the location of the local sandbox but when it copies the folder it copies to %AppData%/Local on the virtual file system. Hope my explanation makes sense. I'm assuming the redirect is by design.

Microsoft Visio 2013 Thinapp instructions


Looking for Instructions to Thinapp..

Thinapp Visio 2016


My company would like to try and Thinapp Visio 2016. I am first wanting to know if this is possible or if we should Thinapp Visio 2013 instead.


If it is possible, any documentation for help would be greatly appreciated.

Thinapp and browsers (Chrome and Firefox), lots of issues




Are there some guidelines or best practices for capturing Chrome and Firefox?  The reason I am asking is that we are having a bunch of issues with each.  In more detail:


Chrome: We thinapped the latest version of Chrome, without any additional plugins, with and without the --no-sandbox option per the KB article here:

http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2104409VMware KB: Google Chrome fails when capturing Google Chrome with VMware ThinApp

This one works fine on the initial run, but after it is closed and opened a second time, it will not work properly after that.  It crashes, then upon re-launching it will consume 100% cpu and its window never opens even though the process is running.  If I clear the Thinapp sandbox folder for Chrome, it will open up fine for the first time, but when opening a second time the same issue comes back.


Firefox: We thinapped the latest version of Firefox, along with the latest Java 1.8.x, latest Flash, and VMware client integration plugin.  It worked fine for about a week then all of a sudden one day it no longer launches (and we haven't changed anything) with the error: Fatal Application Exit, Unable to Open.


I've been looking around and the information is fragmented.  I've seen posts with similar issues in the past but supposedly they were resolved with later versions of the Thinapp setup capture program which we are using the very latest and greatest version (5.1.1).  To my knowledge we are using best practices and using a bare minimum Windows 7 VM to capture with.  Any help would be appreciated, if there have been known working solutions or combinations of versions that work.


Thanks in advance.

Mozilla FireFox ThinApp - flash player not work


Dear all,

we are searching the correct way to ThinApp Mozilla FireFox version 45, we've tried everything that we found in internet, any user guide ..but it was useless.. no one of this works well.


Each time we want to start Adobe Flash Player version test, on this link https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html, we get this error;



Unable to load DLL


C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerPugin_21_0_0_213.exe -> COMDLG32.dll


Access Denied.



We also tried to ThinApp Adobe Flash Player separately and link it to the project through package.ini with command "OptionalAppLinks=plugins\*.exe" but for Firefox doesn't work, it works very well for Internet Explorer.


As last test we've tried to install directly on base image on local machine but we get the same error message.



There are some suggestions ?

ThinApp / Windows 10 - Creator Update



we deploy a ThinApp with Word 2003. When a user is forced to update to "Creator Update" the ThinApp does not work anymore.

I think there would be the need of a fix from VMware, ist there something in the near timeline?



Failed to open, find, or create Sandbox directory



Hi all,



Please tell me how to deploy my package. I got this error after double

clicking on the shortcut in program files (the packager  copied the

package on the default  application path)




Unrecoverable error at C:\jc\beta2\vos3\thinstall\vregistry3\registry_init.cpp:631


Failed to open, find, or create Sandbox directory:

F:\Microsoft Office Visio Professional 2007






the package has been created by doubleclicking on the build.bat in the capture folder. It created successfully the package in the bin folder.






Thank You






main Upgrade Captured Application question






I don't understand to  upgrade the Captured Applications, for example:



I captured Adobe Reader 8 (
share\Thinapp\Adobe Reader 8), now users work with Adobe Reader 8.



Now I would captured Adobe Reader 9. Where I must copy the Adobe Reader 9 folder?






I have try these folders, but it don't work:



share\Thinapp\Adobe Reader 9



share\Thinapp\Adobe Reader 8\Adobe Reader 9



share\Thinapp\Adobe Reader 8\Adobe Reader 9.1



share\Thinapp\Adobe Reader 8\Adobe Reader 9.a






PS: Sorry for bad English






Thank you



Running multiple versions of Acrobat Reader


Is there a way to get multiple versions of Acrobat Reader to run at the same time. We have some old legacy apps that require Acrobat Reader 4? We have created a thinapp package for Acrobat Reader 8 and it works great. However, we can not run both Acrobat Reader 4 and Acrobat Reader 8 (thinapp) at the same time. If Acrobat Reader 8 (thinapp) is running and you try to open Acrobat Reader 4, it opens Acrobat Reader 8. If I close Acrobat Reader 8 (thinapp), then we are able to open Acrobat Reader 4.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Registry.rw.tvr error



i use a virtualized program and there is the registry file registry.rw.tvr with 126.521.344 bytes.

so it seems that the size of this file makes problems, bekause it produces always copys of it

with the name damaged....

i looked for the vregtool from net and tried this:

vregtool registry.rw.tvr printstats

as result

unable to load error message for id 13

i also tryed to export, but also the same.

i think the size of the registry is on the limit because it doesent become more on size,

it has the same size since the problems began

and i found no solution for repair the registry or clean it

that the size will reduce.

sure, i can delete it, but its a mail program and there are all the settings and accounts

and i dont want to loose all the accounts and mailprograms, because i tried to

delete the registry and copy than the mails in the new one, but than i can't see the mails.

i hope there is a solution or program wo cleans the registry


Process Running + GUI never shown (ThinApp 4.6)




I tried to package a home made corporate VB6 application with ThinApp 4.6


When I try to launch my ThinApped package (MyApp.exe) it does not work on all PCs.


Symptoms :

- when I execute ThinApp application,  a systray pop-up appears  (Launching MyApp.exe...)

- process running in TaskManager

- GUI never shown


Computer for Packaging:

- Clean Windows XP SP3

- Member of the corporate ActiveDirectory Domain

End User Computer :

- Windows XP SP3 with all Windows updates applied

- Member of the corporate ActiveDirectory Domain


I found the following interesting thread :  http://communities.vmware.com/thread/282999 . Same symptoms except in my case it's not in a scheduled task, but when I launch manually this task.


Hoping someone could help me to solve this issue


Many thanks in advance best regards



thinapp package opens excel locally - License problem




I have a thinapp package that Works, there is only one little problem the application has a report function that can open a report in different applications. Our users want to open it in Excel and we have installed the Office package locally on the computer (no thinapp) and when I try to open it in Excel I first get an error Message from thinapp. (sorry for that some of the error Messages is in Norwegian. But the buttons says: Cancel, Try Again or Ignore


WINWORD.EXE - Kritisk programavslutning


ThinApp has encountered an unexpected error. Click Abort to close the application, Retry to debug, or Continue to ignore the error. Support info: PID=7744, create_process.cpp@2648


Avbryt   Prøv på nytt   Ignorer  



Behind this error message the correct document opens.


If I click on Ignore I get an New error Message:


Microsoft office can't find your license for this application. a repair attempt was unsuccessful or was cancelled (translated from Norwegian)


All the Office applications works normally if I start them directly. But as soon as the package triggers an Office Application this happens.


Any ideas?



Andreas Henden



Thinapp 5.2.1 and Windows 10


I have a problem with virtualized applications with ThinApp 5.2.1 and Windows 10. In other operating systems work perfectly, but in Windows 10 gives me the following error: " ThinApp has encountered an unexpected error. Click Abort to close the application, Retry to debug, or Continue to ignore the error. Support info PID=3564, create_process.cpp@1949.

They are compatible with the virtualized ThinApp Applications in Windows 10 ?

Thanks for the help

Thinapp 5.0, removable disk and ghost drive letters


I'm using some simple applications packaged with Thinapp 5.0.  When a thinapped V5 app is running and I eject a removable disk such as usb flash disk, the drive letter remain assigned.

When a removable disk is re-inserted, the next available letter will be assigned..


The only way to reclaimed the "ghost" driver letters is to close any thinapped application..


Any clues?

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