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App-DNA for thinapp compatibility?


Hello all,


Using App-DNA we can find out whether application is compatible with App-V / citrix Xenapp?? do we have any tool to find out

thinapp compatibility.




main Upgrade Captured Application question






I don't understand to  upgrade the Captured Applications, for example:



I captured Adobe Reader 8 (
share\Thinapp\Adobe Reader 8), now users work with Adobe Reader 8.



Now I would captured Adobe Reader 9. Where I must copy the Adobe Reader 9 folder?






I have try these folders, but it don't work:



share\Thinapp\Adobe Reader 9



share\Thinapp\Adobe Reader 8\Adobe Reader 9



share\Thinapp\Adobe Reader 8\Adobe Reader 9.1



share\Thinapp\Adobe Reader 8\Adobe Reader 9.a






PS: Sorry for bad English






Thank you



Configuring Thinapp to take dlls from Capture's GAC






How can we make our application to read dependencies from capture's local GAC i.e,



%SystemRoot%/assembly/GAC_32 only, through thinapp.



Here is my scenario in detail



My application A.exe has a compile time dependency on a dll B.dll that is refered from GAC.



to avoid redistribution i don't supply that as a part of MSI A.msi which installs application A.exe



1. I take clean system with thinapp installed.



2. Take first snapshot



3. install A.msi



4. Manually install B.dll in GAC of the system(this is a temperory step later seperate msi installer will do this).



5. take second snapshot and build the capture.



6. copy the capture onto another clean system with .net etc installed



6. Now i try to execute A.exe which FAILS as it says it is unable to find the dependency B.dll



however it was very much a part of the capture and can be seen in the %SystemRoot%/assembly/GAC_32.



however if i install the dll in the GAC of Host system ,to which i have copied the capture, A.exe runs fine.



but this is not my requirement.



Why is the dependency not being resolved capture's local GAC



Is there any way to resolves this .



Thank you in advance












Quickbooks 2008 - can't write to file because it's already being used (by the same process?)



I am currently evaluating ThinApp (latest version), and ran into a major problem when getting a sequenced version of Quickbooks 8.0 Enterprise R6 and Quickbooks 2008 Pro R6 to work.



In both versions, when opening a company file from a previous version of Quickbooks (2005 in my case), it fails during the conversion process when it tries to overwrite the file. Quickbooks gives me an error saying:



"You do not have sufficient permissions to the specified folder. You must have read/write access and create/delete rights to the folder where the company file is stored."



I've made sure that the application has full rights, and I am running it under an admin account; in fact, since the conversion takes place from a backup copy, this instance of the application actually creates the original file itself. I found that when it does create the file, it does not release the handle to it, so when it later tries to overwrite it, it gets an access denied. This can be confirmed by the trace log below (as well as the relevant part of QB's own log), and the process that is actually doing the database I/O is the Quickbooks Database Manager, QBDBMgrN.exe.



The application was sequenced on a clean Server 2003 Enterprise SP2 VM with Terminal Services enabled, and I have reliably replicated the problem both on the VM itself and on two production Terminal Servers running the same configuration (although not as clean), and the problem is not present when running a regular Quickbooks install on the same VM I sequenced it on. Also, Merged or WriteCopy isolation modes make no difference - problem is there with both.



Has anyone encountered this (or a similar) problem, and if so, is there a workaround? Why would ThinApp not release the file handle?



Let me know if you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them. I can post more detailed logs if needed. Thanks!



P.S. Looking back at QB's own log, could this be an issue with the application trying to alter file security permissions?



========== BEGIN TRACE ERROR LOG =============



014535 00000afc  dbserv9.dll :4060aa16<-kernel32.dll:77e6b65f   *** OpenFileMappingA ->HANDLE=0h (DWORD dwDesiredAccess=F001Fh, BOOL bInheritHandle=0h, LPCSTR lpName=*16A61C0h->"SQLAny_SharedMemPort_qb_readonly_engine_18") *** GetLastError() returns 2 : The system cannot find the file specified.

014719 00000904  dbserv9.dll :40614416<-kernel32.dll:77e693a7 *** CreateMutexA ->HANDLE=200h (lpMutexAttributes=457FEE8h->struct {DWORD nLength=Ch, LPVOID lpSecurityDescriptor=457FEF4h, BOOL bInheritHandle=1000000h}, BOOL bInitialOwner=1h, LPCSTR lpName=406FCEA0h->"SQLAny_Default_MUTEX") *** GetLastError() returns 183 : Cannot create a file when that file already exists.

014832 00000afc  dbserv9.dll :406b5eae<-kernel32.dll:77e61e17   *** CreateFileMappingA ->HANDLE=200h (HANDLE hFile=ffffffffh, lpFileMappingAttributes=1F6FB78h->struct {DWORD nLength=Ch, LPVOID lpSecurityDescriptor=1F6FB84h, BOOL bInheritHandle=1000000h}, DWORD flProtect=4h, DWORD dwMaximumSizeHigh=0h, DWORD dwMaximumSizeLow=8h, LPCSTR lpName=40721948h->"dblib.sqlany") *** GetLastError() returns 183 : Cannot create a file when that file already exists.

018275 00000680  dbserv9.dll :4050edf4<-kernel32.dll:77e5be79   *** GetQueuedCompletionStatus ->BOOL=0h (HANDLE CompletionPort=158h, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesTransferred=1C6FE34h->1h, PULONG_PTR lpCompletionKey=1C6FE38h->0h, lpOverlapped=1C6FE2Ch->*0h<null pointer> <bad ptr>, DWORD dwMilliseconds=64h) *** GetLastError() returns 258 : The wait operation timed out.

023582 00000da0                                              CreateFileA lpFileName=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks\Company Files\CIndex_sample_product-based businesss.qbw DesiredAccess=0x80000000 GENERIC_READ ShareMode=0x0) lpSecurityAttributes=0x0 dwCreationDisposition=0x3 (OPEN_EXISTING) FlagsAndAttribs=0xf0000080 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESShTemplateFile=0x0 -> 0xffffffff *** failed, GetLastError=0x20 [File MetaData located in view # 0][Using sandbox copy L:\ThinApp\QuickBooks Enterprise 8.0\%Common Documents%\Intuit\QuickBooks\Company Files\CIndex_sample_product-based businesss.qbw]

023583 00000da0  dbserv9.dll :4060068a<-kernel32.dll:77e41a5f *** CreateFileA ->HANDLE=ffffffffh (LPCSTR lpFileName=*3C752A0h->"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks\Company Files\CIndex_sample_product-based businesss.qbw", DWORD dwDesiredAccess=80000000h, DWORD dwShareMode=0h, lpSecurityAttributes=0h<null pointer> <bad ptr>, DWORD dwCreationDisposition=3h, DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes=F0000080h, HANDLE hTemplateFile=0h) *** GetLastError() returns 32 : The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.



=========== END TRACE LOG ==========



============= BEGIN QBWIN.LOG ===========



DBManager.cpp (3396) :  CHECKPOINT: Thu Nov 13 09:56:35 Database Server starting. Startup String = C:\PROGRA1\Intuit\QU3CRZ5.0\QBDBMgr.exe -n QB_ReadOnly_engine_18 -qs -gd ALL -gk all -gp 4096 -gu all -ch 16M -ti 0 -c 4M -x none -ct- -qi -qw  -tl 120 -oe "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Intuit\QuickBooks\Log\DBStartup.log" -r

IDBFileMgr.cpp (657) :  MESSAGE: Thu Nov 13 09:56:35 LVL_ERROR--Specified database file already in use

DBManager.cpp (2604) :  MESSAGE: Thu Nov 13 09:56:35 LVL_ERROR--DBManager::HandleDmError: statusCode:-6073, dbCode:-816 from file:'.\.\src\IDBFileMgr.cpp' at line 659 from function:'DBMgr::IDBFileMgr::GetFileMetaData'

IDBFileMgr.cpp (665) :  MESSAGE: Thu Nov 13 09:56:35 LVL_ERROR--GetMeta Data Failed Code:-816 Specified database file already in use.Connection String CON=MetaDataDump\;****************;***************;DBF=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks\Company Files\CIndex_sample_product-based businessss.qbw;ServerName=QB_ReadOnly_engine_18;APP=;DBN=2ec188badbb746158037d19b3d10282c




MigrationEngine.cpp (337) :  CHECKPOINT: Thu Nov 13 09:56:36 Begin file migration.

MigrationEngine.cpp (344) :  CHECKPOINT: Thu Nov 13 09:56:36 End file migration, elapsed time: 0 minutes, 0 seconds.

MigrationEngine.cpp (234) :  CHECKPOINT: Thu Nov 13 09:56:36 FAILED: Migration of file C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks\Company Files\sample_product-based businessss.qbw failed with error There was a problem in setting the file security. There is extended information.



load.c (2819) :  MESSAGE: Thu Nov 13 09:56:36 LVL_ERROR--InitSystem: Migrate CIndex company file failed. Code=-6154, Msg=There was a problem in setting the file security. There is extended information.

load.c (8702) :  MESSAGE: Thu Nov 13 09:56:36 LVL_ERROR--DMError Information:-6154Additional Info:There was a problem in setting the file security. There is extended information.



============ END QBWIN.LOG ============



Chrome and its missing taskbar icon


After the recent debacle with trying to get a recent version of Firefox to work in Thinapp I gave up. VMware Support basically tells me I'm SOL and they won't put any effort into solving the problems we have with Firefox. So, since I'm unable to provide my end users a working Thinapp of Firefox we decided to see how things go with Chrome.


Well...better. I downloaded the Enterprise installer and ran it through Thinapp 5.2.2. Then I integrated the provide .admx files and made a nice group policy to configure it. Works nicely, and most definitly way, way, way better and faster than Firefox as of late. I redirected the Chrome user data directory to a network location (user home directory) even though technically we're not supposed to according to Chrome. But alas, I'm running into a problem. There's no task bar icon. This has been reported before (in 2014!): Taskbar Icon problem with Google Chrome 32


Sadly, no workable final solution has come from all of that. Imagine that, it's only been two and half years. No rush. Every once in a while a taskbar icon does actually appear depending how much I mess with the user datadirectory and its location. But generally it's just once, and all other sessions after that the icon is blank, no matter where I put the user data. Has anyone else come up with a workable solution to this issue with Chrome, or is everyone basically stuck with having to accept this kind of annoying behaviour? Stuff like this is highly annoying and the seeming unwillingness of VMware to make their product work nicely with the most popular applications is frankly a bit disappointing. Guess we'll be looking at Unidesk sooner rather than later, Thinapp doesn't seem to have much support or a future anymore.

Chrome Extension installation failure


Hi all


   I have thinapped chrome latest version (with Automatic update disabled from reigistry entries and with few extensions installed within the package) and that is working ok. But after I installed the thinapped package, If I add any extensions from the native PC, then I am getting the error attached above from windows 7 machine. But in XP it is not working as well but does not throw up any error message.. Here are the steps I have done



1. The project is built with the latest chrome installation on win xp base machine with merged isolation mode and applinked flash players and silverlight.


2. Followed this article http://communities.vmware.com/message/1607342#1607342 and added the Temp folder on to the project with merged isolation mode and rebuild the project. I can see the Temp folder on the project (under google/chrome/userdata) but not in the sandbox. I use the file save as option and from the cmd entry point, and browsed to the '..google/chrome/userdata' and the temp folder is not getting created.


3. I have also tried using -no-sandbox options as well and it throws up the same error


4. I have browsed the forums and couldn't find a solution for the issue. Even this forum also highlights the similar issue http://communities.vmware.com/thread/250329 and


I am also attaching my package.ini file for your reference.




Microsoft Dynamics Solomon 6.5 Thinapp?



Has anybody had any luck making Microsoft Dynamics solomon Thinstalled?









MS Access database file outside application



I have an application operating a MS Access database file. My .exe made with Thinapp has the database file packed into the .exe. I need to have the database as a separate file (outside the .exe) so that I can make updates of the program without changing the database file.















Thinapp 5.2.1 and Windows 10


I have a problem with virtualized applications with ThinApp 5.2.1 and Windows 10. In other operating systems work perfectly, but in Windows 10 gives me the following error: " ThinApp has encountered an unexpected error. Click Abort to close the application, Retry to debug, or Continue to ignore the error. Support info PID=3564, create_process.cpp@1949.

They are compatible with the virtualized ThinApp Applications in Windows 10 ?

Thanks for the help

I can't integrate ThinApp Roboform in Firefox


I have created Roboform package but i can't integrate Roboform toolbar to internet exploer or neither Firefox installed or Firefox portable version. When i install Roboform in the regular way from options i choose "attach roboform to firefox even if adapter is not installed" and it attach roboform toolbar to portable firefox. But with ThinApp Robofrom it doesn't want to attach the toolbar.


Is it possible to attach ThinApp roboform toolbar to my portable Firefox of i should not waste my time with this?      

Is network scanning supported?



We've installed the network scanner driver on the machine. The regular product works fine with the network scanner, but the USB version does not.



Is network scanning possible with ThinApp?  Thanks.



Failed to thinapp Maplesoft maple 13






I'm trying to thinapp maple 13 from Maplesoft, but failed. I used the standard procedure e.g. install maple in a fresh windows sp2 inside VMWare. The problem may be related to load some libraries, but i failed to fix it. Any help is greatly appreciated.



Here is the log of potential errors:



000484 00000120 000007f4  ADVAPI32.dll:77de8277<-kernel32.dll:7c80b529     GetModuleHandleA+ ->=0h<null pointer> <bad ptr> (LPCSTR lpModuleName=*14E778h->"rsaenh.dll") *** GetLastError() returns 126=0x7e : The specified module could not be found.



009031 00000120 000007f4  MSVCR80.dll :781348ca<-kernel32.dll:7c81486a     GetEnvironmentVariableA+ ->unsigned long=0h (LPCSTR lpName=78194B3Ch->"__MSVCRT_HEAP_SELECT", LPSTR lpBuffer=0h<null pointer> <bad ptr>, DWORD nSize=0h) *** GetLastError() returns 203=0xcb : The system could not find the environment option that was entered.



009044 00000120 000007f4  MSVCR80.dll :78133001&lt;-kernel32.dll:7c80ac28     GetProcAddress+ -&gt;=0h&lt;null pointer&gt; &lt;bad ptr&gt; (HMODULE hModule=7c800000h, struct {LPCSTR lpProcName=*78194A2Ch-&gt;"FlsAlloc") *** GetLastError() returns 127=0x7f : The specified procedure could not be found.</font><font color="#3366ff">009486 00000120 000007f4  MSVCR80.dll :78136f3a&lt;-kernel32.dll:7c811069     GetFileType+ -&gt;unsigned long=0h (HANDLE hFile=10001h) *** GetLastError() returns 6=0x6 : The handle is invalid.</font><font color="#3366ff">009682 00000120 000007f4  MSVCR80.dll :7813447f&lt;-kernel32.dll:7c80ac28     GetProcAddress+ -&gt;=0h&lt;null pointer&gt; &lt;bad ptr&gt; (HMODULE hModule=77c10000h, struct {LPCSTR lpProcName=*78194AD4h-&gt;"_get_terminate") *** GetLastError() returns 127=0x7f : The specified procedure could not be found.</font><font color="#3366ff">009734 00000120 000007f4  MSVCR80.dll :78131dcd&lt;-kernel32.dll:7c80b529     GetModuleHandleA+ -&gt;=0h&lt;null pointer&gt; &lt;bad ptr&gt; (LPCSTR lpModuleName=*7819499Ch-&gt;"MSCoree.dll") *** GetLastError() returns 126=0x7e : The specified module could not be found.</font><font color="#3366ff">009756 00000120 000007f4  MSVCR80.dll :78131ef9&lt;-kernel32.dll:7c823537     FindActCtxSectionStringW+ -&gt;int=0h (DWORD dwFlags=0h, lpExtensionGuid=0h&lt;null pointer&gt; &lt;bad ptr&gt;, ULONG ulSectionId=2h, LPCWSTR lpStringToFind=*78194974h-&gt;L"msvcr80.dll", ReturnedData=1265B8h-&gt;struct {ULONG cbSize=40h, ULONG ulDataFormatVersion=0h, PVOID lpData=0h&lt;null pointer&gt; &lt;bad ptr&gt;, ULONG ulLength=0h, PVOID lpSectionGlobalData=0h&lt;null pointer&gt; &lt;bad ptr&gt;, ULONG ulSectionGlobalDataLength=0h, PVOID lpSectionBase=0h&lt;null pointer&gt; &lt;bad ptr&gt;, ULONG ulSectionTotalLength=0h, HANDLE hActCtx=0h, ULONG ulAssemblyRosterIndex=0h, ULONG ulFlags=0h, struct AssemblyMetadata=struct {PVOID lpInformation=0h&lt;null pointer&gt; &lt;bad ptr&gt;, PVOID lpSectionBase=0h&lt;null pointer&gt; &lt;bad ptr&gt;, ULONG ulSectionLength=0h, PVOID lpSectionGlobalDataBase=A8160000h, ULONG ulSectionGlobalDataLength=567Fh}}) *** GetLastError() returns 14007=0x36b7 : The requested lookup key was not found in any active activation context.



009977 00000120 000007f4  MSVCR80.dll :7813986e&lt;-USER32.dll  :77d8050b     MessageBoxA+ -&gt;int=1h (HWND hWnd=0h, LPCSTR lpText=781C3808h-&gt;"Runtime Error!\0Ah\0AhProgram: C:\Program Files\Maple 13\bin.win\maplew.exe\0Ah\0AhR6034\0Dh\0AhAn application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorre.. ", LPCSTR lpCaption=78194898h-&gt;"Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library", UINT uType=12010h) *** GetLastError() returns 1813=0x715 : The specified resource type cannot be found in the image file.



009998 00000000 000007f4                                              DllMain(DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) for C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_6b128700\MSVCR80.dll -&gt; 0 (    failed) 010000 00000000 000007f4                                              Module 78130000 (C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_6b128700\MSVCR80.dll) returned 0 for DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH!  Will now be freed...   010002 00000000 000007f4                                                  DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH for C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_6b128700\MSVCR80.dll failed 010024 00000120 000007f4  MSVCR80.dll :78132b71&lt;-kernel32.dll:7c809750     TlsGetValue -&gt;=0h&lt;null pointer&gt; &lt;bad ptr&gt; (DWORD dwTlsIndex=FFFFFFFFh) *** GetLastError() returns 87=0x57 : The parameter is incorrect. 010072 00000000 000007f4                                                  Exception EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION on write to 0x10 (VirtualBlock 0x0-0x10000 Type=unknown Protection=PAGE_NOACCESS ) from unknown_module:0x7c918fea 010116 000



[4.0.1-2866] Office Glitch



not looking for support but i thought i´ll come here and point a few errors out wich occured for me as they might be of value.

captured today "Office Standard 2007" with latest 4.0.1-2866

unfortunately some errors occur whilst trying to run exe´s in vista64 environment


capture of "Office Standard 2007" with xp


"%fonts%" acting strange and produces folders as shown when running in vista64

fonts are created within the sandboxed environment as should, but also within the strangely formatted folders







capture of "Office Standard 2007" with vista


files that should have gone here:

%ProgramFilesDir%\Microsoft Office\Office12

%Program Files Common%\Microsoft Shared


ended up here:

%drive_C%\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12


Mso Example Setup File A



%drive_C%\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared





- same weird formatting of sandbox-folders at execution

- at execution1, office warns of low diskspace even if there´s 16gb free in vm (exe´s refuses to run)

- at execution2, office asks me to start in failsafe mode (exe´s refuses to run)

- (none of the exe´s successfully launched)


ThinDirect redirection screen not closing since applying October 2016 MS patches




We are running Windows 7 sp1, x64 - fully patched with IE11 of course.  We have a business website that will not run in IE11, so we used ThinApp with the ThinDirect feature to package IE9 years ago when we first migrated to Windows 7.  This package was made in ThinApp 4.7 or there abouts.


This has worked fine until this week.  Our patch testers, and myself now see the ThinDirect yellow redirection ribbon do its little count down to 0, and never close.  The IE9 window does open, and appears to still work which is great.  However we imagine users will start complaining when we push this months patches to all machines.


so to clarify, the problem is that the below screen never closes like it used to.


Has anyone seen this or have ideas on a fix?


I checked the ThinDirect.dll version and it is


update: I have confirmed that the screen starts to close properly again after removing both kb3185330 and kb3192391.  Just one does not seem to do the trick.



Converting registry txt files to proper reg format


Is there any tool to convert the txt registry files (when capturing) into an equivalent reg file?



Chrome and its missing taskbar icon


After the recent debacle with trying to get a recent version of Firefox to work in Thinapp I gave up. VMware Support basically tells me I'm SOL and they won't put any effort into solving the problems we have with Firefox. So, since I'm unable to provide my end users a working Thinapp of Firefox we decided to see how things go with Chrome.


Well...better. I downloaded the Enterprise installer and ran it through Thinapp 5.2.2. Then I integrated the provide .admx files and made a nice group policy to configure it. Works nicely, and most definitly way, way, way better and faster than Firefox as of late. I redirected the Chrome user data directory to a network location (user home directory) even though technically we're not supposed to according to Chrome. But alas, I'm running into a problem. There's no task bar icon. This has been reported before (in 2014!): Taskbar Icon problem with Google Chrome 32


Sadly, no workable final solution has come from all of that. Imagine that, it's only been two and half years. No rush. Every once in a while a taskbar icon does actually appear depending how much I mess with the user datadirectory and its location. But generally it's just once, and all other sessions after that the icon is blank, no matter where I put the user data. Has anyone else come up with a workable solution to this issue with Chrome, or is everyone basically stuck with having to accept this kind of annoying behaviour? Stuff like this is highly annoying and the seeming unwillingness of VMware to make their product work nicely with the most popular applications is frankly a bit disappointing. Guess we'll be looking at Unidesk sooner rather than later, Thinapp doesn't seem to have much support or a future anymore.

Mozilla FireFox ThinApp - flash player not work


Dear all,

we are searching the correct way to ThinApp Mozilla FireFox version 45, we've tried everything that we found in internet, any user guide ..but it was useless.. no one of this works well.


Each time we want to start Adobe Flash Player version test, on this link https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html, we get this error;



Unable to load DLL


C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerPugin_21_0_0_213.exe -> COMDLG32.dll


Access Denied.



We also tried to ThinApp Adobe Flash Player separately and link it to the project through package.ini with command "OptionalAppLinks=plugins\*.exe" but for Firefox doesn't work, it works very well for Internet Explorer.


As last test we've tried to install directly on base image on local machine but we get the same error message.



There are some suggestions ?

Thinapp McAfee and Exporer.exe


Since we have installed the McAfee Endpoint Encryption for File and Folders function, the Thinapp Applications

hang by the function open file.

File open hanging 60 - 120sec.

Or rightclick on a file or folder in the file open dialog.


Uninstall the EEFF and reboot the System. All runs ok.


Thinapp 4.7.2

Windows 7 Pro

McAfee EEFF 4.0.0


McAfee EEFF 4.0.1


We have this problem on all Thinapp Applications with file open function.




White screen in thinapp of Firefox, thinapp not working - Firefox version 50 and higher


Hi everyone,

we're experiencing another problem with the thinapp of Firefox; since Mozilla Firefox 50.x, the thinapp the packaged application only shows a white screen, even without the menubar.


We've seen this problem in Firefox versions 50.0.2, 50.1.0, 51.0 and 51.0.1.

Thinapps of Firefox versions 49.0.2 and lower, work fine.


We've tried:
- 32b Firefox
- 64b Firefox
- Thinapp 5.2.2
- Thinapp 5.1.0
- base image (only OS)
- production image
- and all combinations of the above


Our OS is Windows 7 (Enterprise N), SP1, 64b.


As a build option in the package.ini, necessarry since Firefox version 49.x, we added


We ran LogMonitor but couldn't identify the problem.


Does anyone encounter the same issues?
And if so, and when solved, what was the solution to the problem?


I attached a printscreen of the empty/white firefox screen and the LogMonitor-file.

Does anyone have an idea to the solution?


Thinapp Google Chrome


I have tried several time to Thinapp Google Chrome (version 15.0.874.121 m) but keep running into problems. I will run the prescan, then install flash player and java, then install chrome and make the changes i need to for the broweser, then run the postscan. i choose the top google chrome.exe as my main entry point and unselect everything else, then build my package. I build it with a .DAT and a .MSI package. i then copy the packages out to our file server and then try to run them from a view desktop and i get the following error "Google Chrome.exe - Fatal Application Exit Unable to open. I press OK to the message and it dissapears. i have tried to build the package with multiple entry pointes to see if it works with no luck. I have even tried to package it using the .EXE instead of .DAT. Can someone please walk me through the steps needed to get chrome thinapped? The simpler the steps the better i will be able to understand.




Using virtual XP machine with nothing installed on it to build my packages

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