Using thinapp 4.5,
vmware workstation and plain windows XP OS (just OS only) I have
thinapped the latest version of Firefox 3.6.2 to see if thinapp will
work for one of my customers needs. On the test machine the app will be
running on I have got the following: Windows Server 2008 Standard 32-bit
with Active directory. We have it pretty locked down and have the
profile setup so that it maps all user folders over to a windows 2008
file server (
servername\USERNAME\...). The users profile is built from
a roming profile since they use Quest Networks Profile management for
profile storage. Now when I launch Firefox from the file server it loads
fine but It does a lot of not responding and then when it responds and I type in a URL
such as and press the enter key, nothing happens. The
enter key doesnt even respond. I even tried clicking on the green right arrow that appears in the right side of the URL bar when you enter in a URL and it stops responding for a bit then comes back and nothing happens, it doesnt go to the URL at all.
Now this appears to only occur in
the users profile, since I logged in as an Administrator and it worked
fine like it should and seemed a little more responsive. The server has some locked down elements from the
Active Directory Profile (it being joined to a computer group that has
the Computer Configuration sections modified).
Is it AD or is it because everything is using profiles and UNCs? I need to get the
thinapp apps working correctly with these locked down profiles of the
users. I have included the log from the ThinApp Logging Utility, what caught my eye was the end of the file, not sure what it means though...
Potential Errors Detected ---
003752 00000d94 00000d98 ????????????:74f07b6c<-????????????:75a4b79e FindNextFileW+ ->int=0h (HANDLE hFindFile=1e6800h, lpFindFileData=31C354h->struct {DWORD dwFileAttributes=20h, struct ftCreationTime=struct {DWORD dwLowDateTime=68B02636h, DWORD dwHighDateTime=1CAD21Eh}, struct ftLastAccessTime=struct {DWORD dwLowDateTime=68B02636h, DWORD dwHighDateTime=1CAD21Eh}, struct ftLastWriteTime=struct {DWORD dwLowDateTime=A81D6100h, DWORD dwHighDateTime=1CABC00h}, DWORD nFileSizeHigh=0h, DWORD nFileSizeLow=1520000h, DWORD dwReserved0=20CB08h, DWORD dwReserved1=79h, _wchar[260] cFileName=[L'S', L'e', L't', L'u', L'p', L' ', L'C', L'a', L'p', L't', L'u', L'r', L'e', L'.', L'e', L'x', L'e', L'\00h', L'e', L'.', L'g', L'o', L'o', L'd', L'\00h' .. @%u270676 00000d94 00000d98 ????????????:01751f5e<-????????????:75a69782 ReleaseMutex ->int=0h (HANDLE hMutex=6ch) *** GetLastError() returns 288=0x120 : Attempt to release mutex not owned by caller.
271018 00000d94 00000d98 ????????????:74fe46ca<-????????????:77037fde UnregisterClassW+ ->int=0h (LPCWSTR lpClassName=*74FE4570h->L"TreeviewToolTipClass", HINSTANCE hInstance=74fb0000h, struct {) *** GetLastError() returns 1411=0x583 : Class does not exist.
Please help.
Log File Download Link (link expires on 4/8/10):