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Thinapp and Autocad 2010



Started my Trial of 4.5. I am trying to thinapp autocad 2010. After the postscan I select only the Acad.exe. I have tried selecting both User profile and USB packaging types. Neither of which work when I try building it. When it tries to build it, it fails and says " ACAD.exe is not a valid executable." Not sure what the heck is going on as I am not too familiar with thinapp. Any help would be appreciated.



This is on a fresh vm of windows 7 on workstation 7.01. 



How to make a program portable (that needs specials)?



1. How to make a program portable?



Example "Sweet 3D"?



Other programs that not need any special drivers works........






2. How the LogMonitor work?



thinapp Mckesson Star Navigator



I have sucessfully thinapped a application called Mckesson Star Navigator which is a all purpose medical billing application used by many hospitals.  However this app requires mdb files to be downloaded from the server whenever there is a new update.  The files gets downloaded to %allusersprofile%\mckesson.   Since I don't want to include these files in the package or deal with constantly updating the package I set the isolationmode to Merged for that directory as well as the entire package.  In testing this using a cmd prompt entry point I can create directories and files in thtat directory.  When I start the app and have the server push the files, I see a zipped copy of the file gets downloaded called adt.uue which should expand to adt.mdb but it doesn't and generates an error instead " unable to create file or something".  So the initial file is getting downloaded but it's not extracting properly.  Has anybody seen this before or know of a workaround? 



Thinapp iTunes 10?



I've noticed in looking around that making a ThinApp version of iTunes is a bear with 9.1.  Has anyone tried and been successful with 10.1.x?  If it is the same process, I can certainly try that.  If not, what steps might have gotten it working?  Purpose for this is primarily for syncing iPhones/iPads. TIA. 



Word 2003 & Windows 7



since about 5 years we work with a MS Word 2003 ThinApp without much troubles. But since a few month, when we start the Word_ThinApp, it starts new threats over and over again, up until Word is crashing.

This happens with Wiindows 7, not with e.g. Windows 10 (but we are unable to upgrade all machines).

Any tipp around?


Michael Müller


Modify App Config File to Reference Sandbox Location


Hi all,


My Google skills are failing me, so I'm hoping someone with more ThinApp knowledge than I can point me in the right direction.


I've packaged an application with ThinApp, which launches fine but throws an error about a missing file at one point. I discovered the package is looking at the file system of the device for the file rather than within the ThinApp. I played around with isolation mode settings and could not fix this. I found that the reference to the path it is looking for is hardcoded within a config file for the application. Is there a way to modify the paths in the config file so that they reference the sandbox rather than the local file system? I do see the files exist within the %ProgramFilesDir% capture.


Any suggestions would be much appreciated.



ThinApp deployment advice needed




I am currently creating a deployment plan for deploying Windows 10 later this year and evaluating ThinApp as part of that. However, I seem to be at a loss as to what ThinApp actually offers. In principle, the idea is wonderful and makes matters much simpler and easier to be able to deploy applications independently of the operating system images and in particular, makes updates and per-user deployment much more pleasant than without it...


What I don't understand however, is what people are actually using ThinApp for in practice. From what I can tell, it doesn't support any of the typical applications one might expect to deploy: No Office (either 2013 or 2016), no Adobe Acrobat DC, no Google Chrome, no Mozilla Firefox.... so what is the point of ThinApp exactly?


The product seems discontinued with no major feature updates for a very long time and no improvements in compatibility with software at all in recent versions. Is there a future for ThinApp?

VBScript to copy file to sandbox, not virtual file system


Wondering if anyone can help, I have a VBScript which is attempting to copy a folder to the local sandbox but it keeps copying to the virtual file system, is there a way around this? I have implemented a msgbox to verify the path I have specified and it's given me the location of the local sandbox but when it copies the folder it copies to %AppData%/Local on the virtual file system. Hope my explanation makes sense. I'm assuming the redirect is by design.

Office 2013 - Outlook previewer not working


Wonder if anyone can help, bit of a weird one, I have successfully thinapped Office 2013 and it appears to be working fine except for one thing, the previewer in Outlook will not work, when you click on an attachment to preview it either comes up with "unable to load dll oart.dll ... access denied" or the following message "This file can't be previewed because ofan error in the Microsoft Word previewer", the access denied message has me wondering but that dll is present in the captured package in the Office15 folder.

Please see details of the thinapp:

- Office Standard 2013 32bit captured on Windows 7 vanilla 32bit, straight capture, no plugins etc

- Steaming to Window 7 64bit (not sure if that is an issue? everything I've read said it should be fine streaming Office 32bit to Windows 7 64bit)

- Using ThinApp 5.1.0

- Outlook previewer is working fine locally on the thinapp machine

- I'm only testing the previewer on other Office documents (word, excel etc)

This is a minor issue but our users will be expecting the previewer to be working.

Any ideas?


Thinapp Acrobat DC AcroCEF.exe problem


I try to thinapp Adobe Acrobat DC and faced with problem.

Acrobat has little executable AcroCEF.exe (looks like this is Chrome 45).

This exe crashes on Acrobat start (see attach). I have replace it with selfmade

exe which do nothing, just starts and stops after 5 sec. This resolves problem with crash,

but original AcroCEF.exe is required for Fill & Sign tool.

For thinapp I used Thinapp ver. 5.0, 5.1, 5.1.1, 5.2.

Has anyone thinapp Acrobat DC and how to resolve AcroCEF.exe problem?

failed to create process default activation context


When I run then exe, I get "failed to create process default activation context".  The program seems to run fine, once you acknowelege the error.  Please help me in this

citrix program neighborhood agent fails due to hight cpu usage








i tried to package the citrix pna version 10.150 to 11.000 but failed to do so. When i start the thinapp'ed pnamain.exe it takes 50% of the cpu resources and stands still. I tried nearly everything with different version of hte pna and thinapp.




Today i tried to package the pn agent with xenocode which does nearly the same as thinapp. And to my surprise the package runs fine. It connects to our citrix server and i can start the given appz from the systray as it should be.








Has somebody else tried this and could give me a hint?



(And thx Jeroen for your earlier attemps to help me. As you can see i didn't manage it ...)



















PS: I install the pna with this command line




%windir%\system32\msiexec.exe /I "%SOURCEPATH%\ica32pkg.msi" /qn /l*v "%tmp%\ica.log" ENABLE_DYNAMIC_CLIENT_NAME=Yes ENABLE_SSON=Yes ALLOW_REBOOT=No SERVER_LOCATION=http://%SERVERNAME%/citrix/pnagent_client/config.xml REINSTALLMODE=OUMS CTX_PN_ENABLE_CUSTOMICA=No




%SERVERNAME% is the local citrix server

Extract thinapp .dat files


If I would create a tool to extract thinapp .dat files based based on reverse engineering would it be ok to publish it?

Insert activex controls in Excel 2010


I have virtualized Office 2010 and in the interim of using Excel , I cannot insert activeX controls. I get a message saying Cannot insert Object. Any ideas?


Thinapp Visio 2016


My company would like to try and Thinapp Visio 2016. I am first wanting to know if this is possible or if we should Thinapp Visio 2013 instead.


If it is possible, any documentation for help would be greatly appreciated.

ThinApping iTunes 9.1



Hi All,






Has anyone had much luck ThinApping iTunes 9.1? (new version). I can get it to work on a 32 bit windows XP, but the moment i take it over to Windows 7 64 bit it crashes (even when i comment out the line WoW =64 from the .ini).






Any help is appreciated.






ThinApp virtualized applications licensing


I've read the following:


VMware ThinApp Licensing information (1006248) | VMware KB


and I want to be sure I understand the licensing model.  The "Per End Point" option means each application that is virtualized will count towards your license cap, correct?  If I virtualize an application with the application virtualization packager, then distribute those applications to a number of endpoints, it's those applications that count towards the license cap (as opposed to the virtualization packager instance)?


If that is the case, how are the licenses enforced on endpoints that are not connected to the internet? When a virtualized application (a thinned application) is executed, does it check a license server?  What happens if it can't reach said server (as in, not connected to the internet, etc.)?


I apologize if I've confused the concepts.  Thanks in advance for the help.

Did anybody successfully thinapp office 2016?


Hi all

Today I tried to package office 2016 (with KMS). But somehow the licensing made some problems.

I tried the guides of 2013 (Guide) and 2010 (Guide) but either didn't help.


Was anyone able to do this successfully (with KMS)?

Sony vegas pro 14 portable?


Hi, this my first post on the VMWare forum and i'll like to know how to make Sony vegas pro 14 executable from an USB stick using thinapp

I've tried but Vegas continue saying that some DLLs are missing and returns "Application initialization error : ERROR CODE -59"

I will be very happy if anyone could help me with that because i need it for high school


(DLLs missing):





P.S.: i'm french so my english is not perfect, sorry in advance...



White screen in thinapp of Firefox, thinapp not working - Firefox version 50 and higher


Hi everyone,

we're experiencing another problem with the thinapp of Firefox; since Mozilla Firefox 50.x, the thinapp the packaged application only shows a white screen, even without the menubar.


We've seen this problem in Firefox versions 50.0.2, 50.1.0, 51.0 and 51.0.1.

Thinapps of Firefox versions 49.0.2 and lower, work fine.


We've tried:
- 32b Firefox
- 64b Firefox
- Thinapp 5.2.2
- Thinapp 5.1.0
- base image (only OS)
- production image
- and all combinations of the above


Our OS is Windows 7 (Enterprise N), SP1, 64b.


As a build option in the package.ini, necessarry since Firefox version 49.x, we added


We ran LogMonitor but couldn't identify the problem.


Does anyone encounter the same issues?
And if so, and when solved, what was the solution to the problem?


I attached a printscreen of the empty/white firefox screen and the LogMonitor-file.

Does anyone have an idea to the solution?


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