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Random error when launching thinstalled apps


I have a full suite of apps used by our call center thinstalled and functioning.  After a little more testing in-house we are planning to roll out a full scale test box to be used for a couple of weeks to see what, if any issues pop up.  However, at this point I am now getting some random pop-up errors when launching thinstalled apps. 


The error I just got when launching Firefox:


"Executable 'C:\DOCUME1\user\LOCALS1\Temp\Exec.exe' had the following unrecoverable error:

failed to load C:\DOCUME1\user\LOCALS1\Temp\Exec.exe


I click on "OK", the error message goes away and the app continues to load as if nothing happened.  There never appears to be any issues with the app after the error.  Just curious why this error appears randomly.


It doesn't always happen and it doesn't matter which brand/make/type of PC the apps are installed on (I've tested on 4 different models so far).

Problem with microsoft roaming profile



I have noticed that when a user make a modification to one of key of the registry the modify value is written to the Registry.rw.tvr file in the sandbox. In my configuration the sandbox is in the user profile and I am using the micorsoft roaming profile.



My problem is that after the first modification (from the second) the file Registry.rw.tvr does not result modified and the microsoft roaming profile does not copy back the file to the roaming profile server. Wath appen is that at the following login the user can't see any of the modification to the registry the he has made after the first. Is there any solution to this problem?



Best Regards



Access 2007 - Windows is installing


Hi all,


I'm having a bit of trouble thinapping Access 2007, basically what is happening is after i've thinapped Access and have a database open, when you click anywhere on any cells a box is constantly coming up saying "Windows is installing" and just hanging at that.


I've followed the guide at http://blogs.vmware.com/thinapp/2008/10/how-to-thinap-1.html but no luck whatsoever, i've tried thinapping it about 7 times but still having issues.


Please can somebody help me out with this?


Thanks a lot

failed to create process default activation context


When I run then exe, I get "failed to create process default activation context".  The program seems to run fine, once you acknowelege the error.  Please help me in this

White screen in thinapp of Firefox, thinapp not working - Firefox version 50 and higher


Hi everyone,

we're experiencing another problem with the thinapp of Firefox; since Mozilla Firefox 50.x, the thinapp the packaged application only shows a white screen, even without the menubar.


We've seen this problem in Firefox versions 50.0.2, 50.1.0, 51.0 and 51.0.1.

Thinapps of Firefox versions 49.0.2 and lower, work fine.


We've tried:
- 32b Firefox
- 64b Firefox
- Thinapp 5.2.2
- Thinapp 5.1.0
- base image (only OS)
- production image
- and all combinations of the above


Our OS is Windows 7 (Enterprise N), SP1, 64b.


As a build option in the package.ini, necessarry since Firefox version 49.x, we added


We ran LogMonitor but couldn't identify the problem.


Does anyone encounter the same issues?
And if so, and when solved, what was the solution to the problem?


I attached a printscreen of the empty/white firefox screen and the LogMonitor-file.

Does anyone have an idea to the solution?


Perceptive Imagenow Client 7.1.5


Hello Folks,


Has anyone successfully attempted to thinapp Perceptive Imagenow 7.1.5 client?

When i capture the application on Windows 7 64 & 32  machines (Using thinapp 4.7.3/5.0/5.1/5.2) and attempt to run it on Win7x64 / Win7(x86) VM. The build was successful without any errors /warnings. I am getting an error msg while launching the application(Please have a look at screenshot).

Missing Import


I tried all possible way to resolve the issue, but it didn't give any results.

Possible ways like: import the .dll file and register the dll file ,etc.


Please let me know your thoughts on that.

Great appreciate for your time in advance..





Windows 10 Thinapps - Slow Launch on Thinapp 5.2


Fortunately we've made progress since Thinapp 5.2 enables support for Windows 10, however every package that we've rebuilt with Windows 10 has the same issue. It can take anywhere from 1 minutes to 3 minutes to actually open. Once open, the application appears to function normally.


Is anyone else seeing this? I can't seem to find any posts regarding this issue but for us its happening on physical and virtual windows 10 machines.


I haven't tried to fully repackage an application on 5.2 yet but hoping that won't be required.


Any advice would be appreciated, if not then I'll go ahead and see if we can start a ticket on it.

Thinapp 4.7.1 Sharepoint Designer 2010 SP1 Licensing Issue




Package Environment:

Clean Windows 7 German SP1 (32Bit)


Production Environment:

WIndows 7 German SP1 (32Bit)

Office 2010 natively installed

.NET 4 natively installed


After downloading and installing the new Version 4.7.1 I tried to package Sharepoint Designer 2010 SP1 on a Windows 7 32Bit SP1 German language platform.

I followed all the suggested steps like copy the deleted lines into HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE text file, and added our KMS server to the config.xml within SharePointDesigner.WW. and all the other things mentioned.

KMS ist available and reachable (ping and rdp tested).

I also made sure that the Office Software Protection Service is stopped before the post scan.

I tried also to install the App-V package from Microsoft and configured the Sharepoint Designer before doing the prescan (offvirt.msi SPD=1).


But I still get the Licensing issue :-(


By the way: Since version 4.6.0 Visio and Project 2010 SP1 are running as thinapps beside a natively installed Office 2010 without any issues (not looking on cross over functions :-)).

It has just worked doing the following steps:

1.) App-V installed and regsitered Visio and Project (OffVirt.msi VISIOPREM=1 PRJPRO=1)

2.) Prescan

3.) Installed Visio/Project with SP1

4.) Start Visio / Project

5.) Stop the Office Software Protection Service

6.) Postscan

=> Both Visio and Project working fine beside the native installed Office 2010!

Is it possible to thinapp Microsoft Skype for business 2016.?


As skype have interactions with audio and video drivers, i am unsure whether the functionality will work.Any inputs?

%AppData%\folder as sandbox path problem


when setting the sandbox folder as %AppData%\folder it just create a folder named "%AppData%" in in the same folder where the application ran from.

how i fix this ?

How to make ThinApp work with USB devices such as webcam?



I am trying to thinstall/thinapp Skype (to be run in Vista Ultimate) which can use a webcam. In my case, I have a Microsoft Lifecam.



I tried the following. I installed the Lifecam software and used ThinApp to capture the software. The software include a camera app to access the camera and likely some drivers for the camera.



I then installed Skype and captured it as well as a separate exe using ThinApp. I enabled the plugins function and then tried to run Skype with the LIfecam software as plugins.



This does not work. Neither the Skype and the Lifecam software can see my webcam. According to Vista device manager, the Lifecam is recognized and working properly.



I had previously thinstalled Windows Live Messenger. That thinstalled exe can access the webcam without any problem.



How do I fix this?



Latest Version and problems with Shortcuts


The latest Thinapp version seems to have problems with the shortcut= option.


All my applications are build like this:

(Sorry, but the editor changed all the application definitions to httplinks)




  • system \ appname \ sandbox \ (sandboxfiles)

  • system \ appname \ main\ datacontainer.dat

  • system \ appname \ tools \ tool.exe


And a typical package.ini would look like this:














This worked smoothly with, but does not seem to work with the latest version anymore: Right now I got this message:


"Target http://MailShot.exe has 'Shortcut=system\mailshot\mailshot.dat' entry, however Target system\mailshot\mailshot.dat does not exist or is not data container because it does not have a ReadOnlyData= setting


My ReadOnlyData= setting is like always. So how can I solve that problem?


Pugins which were linked like this ;OptionalAppLinks=..\system.plugins\*.exe are now crashing the app.


I always used the shortcuts to seperate the main executables from tools and other stuff. These are always somewhere in the subdirectories.


Also I used a small stub.dll as a source to my maincontainer which also provokes an error now.

Well of course replacing my stub.dll with a stub.exe does the trick, but why the change?


Not being able to use relative back paths anymore when applinking or defining a shortcut

would be a real pain and a timetravel back to the cluttered all on one directory times.




Apply for ThinApp beta?



We're using ThinApp for 6000 clients, and some departments are beginning to look at windows 7. At our office we've already there.



Is it possible for us to apply for an early access / alpha/beta/rc candidate? Not for production use of course?






HP QTP with many ThinApp Browsers?



Hello all,



We have a VM image with all QTP and all it's requirements installed in the OS image. What we would like to do is have QTP use different browsers that have been Thinapped. Using IE7 as the test Thinapped browser (IE6 is the local browser) I ran thinreg /a to put IE7 into HKLM in hopes the QTP would "see" it.



Launching QTP and going to "Automation" on the tool bar then "Record and Run Settings" then click on the radio button "Open the following address when a record or run sessions begins". In the window there is a drop down and here is where all detected browsers would be listed.



So has NE1 used a local QTP app to launch Thinapped browsers?



SAP GUI Excel export


So I have my SAP LogonPad presented to my Linked Clones with ThinApp and everything is working great except for one thing. When using the export to excel function of reports, the file is being created in the proper location but Excel is not being opened with that file. The user can manually open excel and find the file, but I would really like to have the automation back that exists when everything is native installed. Office is native installed, and the OS is Win 7 x64. I'm wondering if the problem is that a) SAP was captured on Win XP and b) Office was not installed when SAP was captured.

Im wondering, even though it kinda goes against how a ThinApp should be captured, I should capture SAP on the master VM for the Linked Clones?  Office is installed, and the OS is obviously the same, but the drawback would be that this ThinApp capture could only be used on my Linked Clones and no where else.

Anyone have any thoughts or insight for me?

thinreg.exe /u vs. uninstall.vbs


Hi all,


I'm trying to understand how registering/unregistering of ThinApps work best.

Today we use "thinreg.exe" to register a ThinApp during logon with help of a PowerShell scripts that uses group membership of the user.


Start-Process -FilePath \\server\thinapplibraryshare\thinreg.exe -ArgumentList "/q `"\\server\thinapplibraryshare\funnythinapp.exe`"" -Wait


So the logon part works quite nice.



When it comes to logoff we just unregister all thinapps during logoff using "thinreg /u".


Start-Process -FilePath \\server\thinapplibraryshare\thinreg.exe -ArgumentList "/q /u `"\\server\thinapplibraryshare\funnythinapp.exe`"" -Wait


That also works good in most cases.



But i recognized that over time some apps doesn't get uninstalled correctly.

To fix that we always ran "%AppData%\Thinstall\Unregister\funnythinappfolder\uninstall.vbs" from inside the users session.


Over time and after some more testings i find that using the "uninstall.vbs" seems to be more reliable.

So i decided to just trigger all "uninstall.vbs" at logoff using the following script.


$thinapps = Get-ChildItem -Path $env:appdata\thinstall\unregister -Recurse -Include uninstall.vbs

foreach ($uninstall in $thinapps) {Start-Process $uninstall -Wait}



This is not implemented so far cause there is one question left that i'm trying to understand.


What is the difference between doing the unreg with "thinreg /u" and triggering the "uninstall.vbs"?



Thank you very much for helping me understand this.


Best regards


How to package MS Project 2010 on Windows 8.1 Update 1(64-bit) with native Office 2013 suite on virtual desktop image




We have the following infrastructure:

VMware View 5.3 with non-persitent floating assignment pool

Windows 8.1 Update 1 image

Microsoft Office 2013 32-bit is installed locally on desktop image

Thinapp 5.1


We want to package Microsoft Project 32-bit on our platform with Thinapp.


I have tried all the tricks in the book when trying to package Project 2010 in our VMware enviroment. I have switched to 2010 version because Thinapp does not support Office 2013 on Windows 8.1 Update 1. But I start to suspect that our configuration is not supported by the fact that we have Office 2013 locally installed on our image..Good if someone can confirm that!


MS Project start, but hangs and is not "Not licensed" in Window toolbar. After trying to close the application we get a error message from: Microsoft Office Office 64-components saying that its can not find a MSI file. the name is 23a3267e.msi , but this filname is randomized and I cannot find anything when googling the filename.


I have followed these guides:




I have even tried this custom thinapp tool: VMware KB: Resolving licensing errors when deploying virtual Office to a system with Office installed natively.


Have someone managed to package Visio or Project on a similar enviroment before?


And can someone confirm that a Thinapped 2010 Office applications will work on a image with Office 2013?

File association for excel




I have created a 64 bit office 2010 excel application and when trying to open an existing .xls file from physical machine through virtual xls, all the .xls files are showing as unknown file types. However I am able to open the documents.


So will this be the behavior or virtual excel should read .xls file and associate icon should show , when clicking open button. Just trying to understand the concepts.


Any help please...?


Note: In my environment, 32 bit office 2010 excel is installed natively and we have 64bit excel 2010 thinapped.

Make a Office2010 Pro ThinApp activitied by Office2010 Toolkit on win7 VM




I want to package Office2010 Pro by ThinApp 5.2.1 on a clear win7 x86 VM. I have not key but for this Office is VOL I only can activate it by Office2010 Toolkit.


With these materials and evironment I have, how shold I do to archive to get packaged Office2010 that no longer needs activation.


Thanks for some suggestions.



Word 2003 & Windows 7



since about 5 years we work with a MS Word 2003 ThinApp without much troubles. But since a few month, when we start the Word_ThinApp, it starts new threats over and over again, up until Word is crashing.

This happens with Wiindows 7, not with e.g. Windows 10 (but we are unable to upgrade all machines).

Any tipp around?


Michael Müller


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