I'm trying to virtualize Delphi 7 in Windows XP.
I have a problem registering extensions (for example dpr).
It is registered as "D7.DelphiProject" and it has the open command:
"C:\Program Files\Delphi 7 (VMware ThinApp)\Delphi 7.exe" /np "
First, it doesn't have "%L" to load the path + name of the project (which I want to load when I start a Project.dpr).
Second, if I add %L it doesn't help at all because "/np" switch tells Delphi to load nothing.
It should be "C:\Program Files\Delphi 7 (VMware ThinApp)\Delphi 7.exe" "%L"". I changed manually and it works.
In Package.ini I have:
[Delphi 7.exe]
Shortcut=Delphi 7.dat
Shortcuts=%Programs%\Delphi 7 v7;%Desktop%
I searched everywhere but the only place where I could find "/np" switch is Delphi 7.dat and Delphi 7.msi. It's like it is from ThinApp.
Is there anything that I can do to fix this..?
Thank you.
Regards, Cosmin
Later edit: I checked and in normal Delphi the associated files are loaded with DDE. Is there any way to simulate this in ThinApp?