I'm currently testing an application that is being Thinapped. Everything works except a DDE interface to Excel.
The application generates a CSV file in C:\temp\ and than executes Excel to open the file.
DDE command looks like this (native report procedure language specific for this application)
'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\EXCEL.EXE '
"Entry,Date,Rev,Modifier,Date,Approver,Date,Article,Cust.,Reason" ;
When i execute this report from the non-thinapped application it works fine.
- File is created
- Excel is opened
- File is read by Excel
When i execute this from the thinapped application it does not work:
- File is NOT created
- Excel is opened
- Excel shows error: file not found
I had to include these lines in the package to be able to execute Excel - otherwise it would show unregistered version and close.
It did however create the file and open it. I suppose this has something to do about Excel not getting the DDE commands from the application.
I hope someone is able to point me in the right direction. I'm not doing the Thinapp packaging myself - its done by a subcontractor.
But i will have to tell them what to do and how.