Both our Firefox and Thunderbird ThinApps try to add a shortcut to the XP quicklaunch taskbar. I say try because they kind of fail...
Looking at this;
Shortcuts=%Desktop%;%Programs%\Mozilla Thunderbird;%AppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
This creates an Icon on the Desktop and on the start menu... but no icon on the quick launch... or rather;
It does create the icon in
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
instead of in the "users"... maybe VMware thought All Users Quick Launch worked the same way as Al Users Desktop and Start Menu? (I.e. icons put there are shared between all users...?) Well, it's not on our systems.
Thinking about it - it would probably be a pain to fix then as each user would have to have a check for the icon each time they logged on... :-/