I am having some what of a terrible time trying to get clonedvd2 to work properly , I can capture the processes ok and everything goes as planned .AS LONG as i have the software installed on the host machine . Im making the capture on a xp clean install nothing loaded but bare min. when i take it to another machine i keep getting failed to int elbyCDIO . i have this dll file in my %system&system folder everything seems to be where it shoud .but it still cannot load it ..
I have found a vb script that someone posted here to force path to the requested files but still no go..Im not trying to do the impossible here , i have seen a few other versions of clonedvd2 made with thinapp so i know it can be done ... i have searched log files and trace files for the last week trying to figure this out .. would someone please be kind enough to tell me how to fix this or write a simple vb script to correct my problem please..
the program im workign with can be found here
Regard Ray