I've got an activity recording app that I launch from a scheduled task at regular intervals so that I can accurately record what I'm working on.
I recently thinapp'd this application and now when the schedule task kicks off, I see the thinapp toaster and then nothing. I can see the process running in task manager, but I can't see the application gui/window (of course there is a twist, see below*).
So I thought maybe there's something wrong with my thinapp so I tried another random application that I'd thinapp'd and same problem.
Can anyone else confirm that this also happens for them, or is it just me.
Here's what I've tested so far.
launching notepad.exe from a schedule task works as expected.
launching my thinapp from a scheduled task does not want to show it's face
if I create a task from the command line use at with the interactive command line (at 9:00 /interactive "C:\Prog.....\thinapp'd app.exe" ) it works!
But, if I then go and edit that task via the gui, the task stops working.
So I can create a task that works, the only problem is that I can't set an advanced schedule using at or schtasks.
If anyone else can replicate this to save my sanity it would be much appreciated.