Running Windows 7 32 Bit
Running ThinApp Setup Capture 4.6.2-467908
I follow these steps:
Step by Step Instructions on How to ThinApp Newer Java Versions | VMware ThinApp Blog - VMware Blogs
I realize these instructions are a few years old. I do get some issues.
1) I do not get the option to customize the Java install
2) Internet Explorer 8 does not show me to under Manage Add-Ons JQSIEStartDetectorImpl Class I do disable both SSV Helper Classess. I leave the Java pluging
3) When I do a post scan, I uncheck all and check for debug options but iexplore.exe isn't one of them for an entry point
4) I checked java.exe as my entry point since one is required
5) I edited the package.ini and the project as stated
6) I build it
7) We use a central location on the network for thinapps. I place it there.
8) Thru a Virtual Desktop I verify that I am running 6.16
9) I go to the network location and execute bin\java.exe or %ProgramFilesDir%\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe
10) Open IE and test the version. Still 6.16
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!