I'm having trouble thinapping Office 2007 with ThinApp 4.0.1-2866 on a completely clean and up to date XP VM. I followed the directions from Step by Step Instructions on How to ThinApp Microsoft Office 2007 very carefully (several times to make sure) including the comments at the bottom. The programs launch and seem to work fine until I try to insert clip art. I get the following error and the app crashes:
'The operating system is not presently configured to run this application.'
Followed by:
'Clip Organizer cannot complete the operation.
Application was launched but it didn't register a class factory
Error Code 0x800401FE'
This error is logged in the system log isn't much help. It says the description cannot be found.
Before taking the second snap shot, I've tried running each program and inserting clip art and it works fine. I've also tried manally reinstalling the latest MDAC. Has anyone else had this problem or have any ideas what could cause it? Thanks.