What am I doing wrong?!?
I have started using ThinApp 4.0.0 2200. I have used eval version in the past and never had even the slightest issue virtualizing Office 2007. Now, I run through the process with a clean XP sp2 VM, finish the build (no errors) and when I try to run any Office 2007 app, (this example is from running power point) I get "Executable c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office 12\Powerpnt.exe had the following unrecoverable error: failed to load c:\program files\microsoft office 12\powerpnt.exe" I have tried just virtualizing individual office 2007 apps and get the same result. Again, my XP VM has nothing installed except SP2 and Thinapp. Onlything I can see diferent is my build version.
Please advise!