Hello All
This is my first time using ThinApp , i am doing a proof of concept on usage of thinapp, We have a application which uses acrobat pro and jre 1.5 . I have packaged both and made an entry point as IE and then build the package and move the exe from bin folder to users desktop.
Everything works fine for most of the functions but there is a functionality where this application sends workflow notification in users outlook inbox with the url to the app ,the issue here is thay the url opens the default IE and then applicaton fails due to jre mismatch issues
I tried searching for some way to do this in HTML , some how specify URL to be opened in a specific application like the packaged IE in my case but i am unable to find any leads.
The non working url looks like this
"<a href= "F:\thinapp\iexplore.exe" "http://fcgdmfdappdev01:8080/rdms/component/drl?objectId=0913b6e980010902&format=pdf" target='_blank'> Test this Workflow </a>"
Any ideas??