Hello, i'm trying to package this application that you can download for free from Microsoft. I'm following this document:
The only additional steps is that i'm deleting the MSOCache folder in order to reduce the size of the package and I'm using thinreg /a to register the application. On the machines that i don't have office 2010 natively installed Lync is working 100%
Unfortunately i have some machines with Office 2010 and APP-v deployment tool for 2010 already installed and on these machines sometimes the applications is trying to repair, and because MSOcache is missing is failing.
What i can see when i run "ospp.vbs /dstatus", the office activation is having some error code and the way to fix it is to use ospp.vbs /act. It looks like for some reason ThinApp is "touching" the Office Software Protection service and in Windows logs there is an error "The system was tampered". What i can see in my project, the folder with all ospp files is with FULL isolation?
! Is there anyone who tried to capture Lync Basic 2013? Any help will be really much appreciated!!!!
I forgot to add...i'm using ThinApp 5 and all machines are with Win7 Pro