I've thinapp'd Office 2010 using a couple of the methods described both in the VMware links, as well as our friend Google. The Office suite works perfectly - no issues there. My problem is occuring when Outlook finally caches my rather large OST file. It stops at exactly 1GB (down to the Kb size) and then will simply dump out of Outlook - no error - nothing. I'm using redirected folders for all my roaming info, and a 4GB persistant disk for local AppData. Oddly, when Outlook was still downloading my 1GB+ email account, I could reveal the OST file from inside Outlook 2010 to the correct location (persistant disk) d:/Users/username/AppData/local/Microsoft/Outlook/username@email.com.ost and it's properties are exactly 1GB. Here's the strange part. Even with show hidden system files turned off, and show hidden folder enabled, I can't navigate to d:/Users/username/AppData/local/Microsoft/Outlook/
Now not being able to browse to the OST file on the persistant disk is a little odd, but what's killing me is why I can't get past the 'magical' 1GB OST file limit. There are no GPUs or other policy restictions on the computer or user side, and obviously it's going to the right place because it's working - up to the point that it DL's more than 1GB of email data.
Anyone run into this? Using the latest ThinApp 4.6.1 and built 2010 on both XP and Win7(32-bit) with the same results. Any assistance / insight? (and keeping my OST file to under 1GB isn't a good enough solution I'm afraid. Not for a mass deployment at a university where profs have 3-5GB mailboxes.)
Alex B