I'm currently in a trial of ThinApp in an attempt to create a single package which can run our entire ERP / CRM package. The software is from Infor called VISUAL Manufacturing, VISUAL CRM, and VISUAL Payroll. I have worked out all the kinks on the Manufacturing and Payroll piece. They are running pretty well. CRM is being a bugger. Every time I open it through ThinApp, it fires up an Office installer window and churns through it for 20-30 seconds, then CRM actually opens up... but every time you go to click on anything the installer window comes up again. App is essentially unuseable.
This is not normal behavior for the application. VISUAL CRM ties heavily into the Office package. I have made some attempts to solve the issue by editing the Package.ini with:
“ForcedVirtualLoadPaths=%ProgramFilesDir%\Microsoft Office\Office14\PPCORE.DLL”
Nothing seems to get it to work. Any ideas?