We have a thinapp package that needs to clear the sandbox when the program exits. However when the remove sandbox on exit option is selected the process for the thinapp package hanges. The following bat file and vbs script were added to the package to remove certain registry keys and to kill the process if it was still running. However sometimes when the program exits the taskkill.exe crashes with an application error. This application was packaged using thinstall 3.300, for some reason using any newer version causes issues with a report viewer built into the application.
Function OnFirstParentExit
set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
End Function
@echo off
title Clearing data..
C:\ESP367\reg.exe add "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Kronos\ESP\Settings" /v "Report Directory" /f /d "
C:\ESP367\reg.exe delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Kronos\ESP\Settings" /v "Last User" /f >nul 2> nul
C:\ESP367\taskkill.EXE /F /IM "Workforce ESP 3.6.7 (Test).exe"
goto :EOF
Im not really sure what to try.
I did not create the package or the the script but it's fallen to me to fix it.