I have been working on trying to get the 5250 emulator part of the ISeries Client Access to work as a virtualized application. It builds without errors, but I get this before building:
Could not copy file C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat -> O:\ClientAccess\%drive_C%\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat
Could not copy file C:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat -> O:\ClientAccess\%drive_C%\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat
I tried to manually copy the file and re build. Since the files are hidden, I copied with UBCD4Win and then copied to the locations in the %drive_C% locations. The build takes place but nothing occurs after the Thinapp splash screen.
I am using VMWare Workstation witha fresh basic image.
I have seen a post from 2005 or so that said that ISeries Client Access won't virtualize, and then in the information about Thinapp version 4.0.2 that a Client Access bug has been fixed.
thanks for any help.