I have a issue that can be easily reproduced.
1. launch a 32bit application (app_1) that use optionalApplinks
2. launch a 64bit application (app64_1) from the same ThinApp Application
==> it doesn't see any file provided by the optionalAppLinks
3. launch a 32bit child process from the app_1
==> it doesn't see any file provided by the optionalAppLinks
3. launch a 64bit child process from the app64_1
==> it doesn't see any file provided by the optionalAppLinks
Now, other test :
1. launch a 32bit application (app_1) that use optionalApplinks
2. launch a 32bit child process from the app_1
==> Everything is fine, the cild process can see all files that come with the dependency (optionalApplinks)
3. launch a 64bit application (app64_1) from the same ThinApp Application
4. launch a second 32bit child process from the app_1
==> it doesn't see any file provided by the optionalAppLinks
it is exactly the same if you start first the 64 bits application
I have joined sample project that shows the issue : (bug or misconfiguration ?)
on a 64bit windows OS :
launch Build_testApp.cmd ==> it will create a new directory TEST_APP/
==> cmd.exe is the 32bits cmd (the root package only contains the file c:\main_appli.txt)
==> cmd64.exe is the 64bits cmd (the root package only contains the file c:\main_appli.txt)
into TEST_APP/plugins :
PLUGIN1.dat provides the file C:\PLUGIN1.txt
PLUGIN2.dat provides the file C:\PLUGIN2.txt
-----> test to check if files from plugins are available : Dir c:\
Does anybody have the clue ?
Thank you