After strugling a bit, i finally made a portable autocad 2008 for windows 7. The problem is that only work with the administrator user (tested on several pcs). When i try with a standard user always gave the same problem: appHangb1 error.
This are the Steps made:
Virtualization of Windows 7 Ultimate with Parallels in Macbook Pro
Instalation of ThinApp 4.6
PreScan with ThinApp
Instalation of Autocad 2008
Autocad 2008 Activation
Autocad service Pack SP1 Instalation: http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps/dl/item?siteID=123112&id=10035892&linkID=9240618
Hotfix - Autodesk Activation Update: http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps/dl/item?siteID=123112&id=5620053&linkID=9240618
Copy Enu Dirs in "c:/Users/Administrator/Appdata/LOCAL/autodesk..." and "c:/Users/Administrator/Appdata/ROAMING/autodesk..." in a new "Setting" directory in autocad instalation dir: c:/Program Files/Autocad 2008/Settings"
Change al "User Paths" from Local and Roaming dirs to paths in new folder: "c:/Program files/Autocad 2008/Settings" (in Tools-Options-File tab)
Change autocad2008.cfg path (in Tools-Options-File tab-Help and miscellanius files names-Configuration File). Here, you cannot change de file path, you must change setting the ACADCFG enviroment variable:
on Autocad command Line write: (setenv "ACADCFG" "c:/Program files/Autocad 2008/Settings/enu/autocad2008.cfg")
PostScan Tof ThinApp
After creating the project: remove OLEAUT32.DLL from %SYSTEMSYSTEM%
Build Project
After all this the portable aplication runs on several pcs with windows 7, but only as an administrator. When i try with the Standard User, always gave me the same problem: The program hang, and if you see the error always sat "AppHangB1"
Someone could help me?? I dont know what im doing wrong, and i need urgently a portable Autocad in Windows 7. please.....