I'm using a NTFS partition (which has no drive letter) which I've mounted into a directory.
It's a 100GB partition on a SSD drive and it's mounted into the following folder:
When I capture an application inside a clean VM (Hyper-V) and copy it to the physical
machine afterwards, the application is unable to write to this specific folder...
The build environment for this application contains an additional folder "%drive_D%
with an ##Attribute.ini file with this content:
The application can write to:
flawlessly and interestingly to
as well.
But trying to write to
D:\Users\Highend\Downloads (the moun point itself)
results in an error message.
Sie verfügen nicht über die Berechtigungen zum Speichern in diesem Pfad.
Wenden Sie sich an den Administrator, um diese Berechtigung zu erhalten.
You don't have the permissions to save in this path.
Contact the administrator to get this permission.
Is there any way to configure ThinApp (v5.0.0-1391583) to let the app have
access to this mount point folder?