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Thinapp SnapViewer


This is a simple Microsoft Snapshot Viewer Application (*.SNP files)


The application Thinapps fine. If I open the application first, then load a file via File>Open. Everything works great. Running the Thinapp MSI creates the file association for the .snp files.


The problem occurs when one launches the .snp file itself. The VMware Thinapp popup loads then disappears. Here's the log file.


I've tried on the dirty machine, clean XP and clean Win7 and the behavior is all the same.




---  Modules loaded ---
            SYSTEM_LOADED 00400000-0040bfff, C:\Program Files\SnapshotViewer_10_0 (VMware ThinApp)\Microsoft Access Snapshot Viewer.exe
            NTSECTION_MAP 00400000-0040bfff, C:\Program Files\Snapshot Viewer\SNAPVIEW.EXE
            SYSTEM_LOADED 013d0000-01694fff, C:\WINDOWS\system32\xpsp2res.dll
            SYSTEM_LOADED 10000000-103bffff, C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware ThinApp\Logging.dll
            SYSTEM_LOADED 5ad70000-5ada7fff, C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll
            SYSTEM_LOADED 5b860000-5b8b4fff, C:\WINDOWS\system32\netapi32.dll
            SYSTEM_LOADED 5d090000-5d129fff, C:\WINDOWS\system32\comctl32.dll
            SYSTEM_LOADED 73dd0000-73ecdfff, C:\WINDOWS\system32\MFC42.DLL
            SYSTEM_LOADED 769c0000-76a73fff, C:\WINDOWS\system32\USERENV.dll
            SYSTEM_LOADED 76fd0000-7704efff, C:\WINDOWS\system32\CLBCATQ.DLL
            SYSTEM_LOADED 77050000-77114fff, C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMRes.dll
            SYSTEM_LOADED 77120000-771aafff, C:\WINDOWS\system32\oleaut32.dll
            SYSTEM_LOADED 773d0000-774d2fff, C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.5512_x-ww_35d4ce83\comctl32.dll
            SYSTEM_LOADED 774e0000-7761cfff, C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll
            SYSTEM_LOADED 77b40000-77b61fff, C:\WINDOWS\system32\Apphelp.dll
            SYSTEM_LOADED 77c00000-77c07fff, C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll
            SYSTEM_LOADED 77c10000-77c67fff, C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll
            SYSTEM_LOADED 77dd0000-77e6afff, C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
            SYSTEM_LOADED 77e70000-77f01fff, C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll
            SYSTEM_LOADED 77f10000-77f58fff, C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll
            SYSTEM_LOADED 77f60000-77fd5fff, C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll
            SYSTEM_LOADED 77fe0000-77ff0fff, C:\WINDOWS\system32\Secur32.dll
            SYSTEM_LOADED 7c800000-7c8f5fff, C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
            SYSTEM_LOADED 7c900000-7c9aefff, C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
            SYSTEM_LOADED 7c9c0000-7d1d6fff, C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll
            SYSTEM_LOADED 7e410000-7e4a0fff, C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll
----  Potential Errors Detected ---
000301 00000000 00000170                                              chained_common_LoadLibraryEx 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\TA_WinhookFakeModName' flags=8 -> 0 (failed    , gle:0x7e)
000324 00000188 00000170  USER32.dll  :7e428055<-kernel32.dll:7c801af5     LoadLibraryExW+ ->*=*0h<null pointer> <bad ptr> (LPCWSTR lpLibFileName=*12E7C8h->L"C:\WINDOWS\system32\TA_WinhookFakeModName", HANDLE hFile=0h, DWORD dwFlags=8h) *** GetLastError() returns 126=0x7e [203]: The specified module could not be found.
000395 00000000 00000170                                              GetModuleHandleExW dwFlags=0 fname=C:\WINDOWS\system32\rpcss.dll -> 0 (hModule=0/'    not found')
000396 00000188 00000170  ole32.dll   :775128ed<-kernel32.dll:7c81fca9     GetModuleHandleExW+ ->int=0h (DWORD dwFlags=0h, LPCWSTR lpModuleName=*12E858h->L"C:\WINDOWS\system32\rpcss.dll", *phModule=*12E8A4h->*0h<null pointer> <bad ptr>) *** GetLastError() returns 126=0x7e [3]: The specified module could not be found.
001022 00000000 00000170                                              NtCreateFile*  pHandle=12e728 Access=100081h Unknown Access=100081h ObjAttrib=12e734h (RootDir=0h SD=0h SQoS=0h Attrib=40h Attribs=40h OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE Name=12e754h (Len=116 Buffer=12e77ch [\??\C:\Program Files\Snapshot Viewer\SNAPVIEW.EXE.manifest])) iosb=12e74ch Attribs=0h Share=1h FILE_SHARE_READ Disposition=1 FILE_OPEN Options=20h FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT -> st=C0000034h (    failed) h=560050h [new_CreateFile]
001606 00000000 00000170                                              chained_common_LoadLibraryEx 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\MFC42LOC.DLL' flags=0 -> 0 (failed    , gle:0x7e)
001630 00000188 00000170  MFC42.DLL   :73e68c09<-kernel32.dll:7c801d7b     LoadLibraryA+ ->*=*0h<null pointer> <bad ptr> (LPCSTR lpLibFileName=*12D63Ch->"C:\WINDOWS\system32\MFC42LOC.DLL") *** GetLastError() returns 126=0x7e [0]: The specified module could not be found.
002744 00000188 00000170  MFC42.DLL   :73de3796<-USER32.dll  :7e431553     LoadAcceleratorsA+  *** GetLastError() returns 1814=0x716 [0]: The specified resource name cannot be found in the image file.
003295 00000000 00000170                                              RegNotifyChangeKeyValue [(UNKNOWN)     Unknown key (000006f0)]
003347 00000000 00000170                                              RegNotifyChangeKeyValue [(UNKNOWN)     Unknown key (000006e0)]
003485 00000000 00000170                                              RegNotifyChangeKeyValue [(UNKNOWN)     Unknown key (000006b0)]
004243 00000188 00000170  ole32.dll   :77517410<-kernel32.dll:7c80e4cd       GetModuleHandleW+ ->*=*0h<null pointer> <bad ptr> (LPCWSTR lpModuleName=*12DD64h->L"C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe") *** GetLastError() returns 126=0x7e [0]: The specified module could not be found.
004724 00000188 00000170  ole32.dll   :77517625<-ADVAPI32.dll:77de56e7       LookupAccountSidW ->int=1h (LPCWSTR lpSystemName=*0h<null pointer> <bad ptr>, PSID Sid=*12E260h, LPWSTR Name=*12E168h->L"Administrator", LPDWORD cchName=*12E24Ch->Dh, LPWSTR ReferencedDomainName=*14F648h->L"S247787-AB7FD3A", LPDWORD cchReferencedDomainName=*12E248h->Fh, PSID_NAME_USE peUse=*12E234h->enum{1}) *** GetLastError() returns 997=0x3e5 [0]: Overlapped I/O operation is in progress.
005012 00000188 00000170  RPCRT4.dll  :77e8dedd<-kernel32.dll:7c8316b7         GetComputerNameW+ ->int=1h (LPWSTR lpBuffer=*14FC28h->L"S247787-AB7FD3A", LPDWORD nSize=*12E0DCh->Fh) *** GetLastError() returns 203=0xcb [0]: The system could not find the environment option that was entered.
005051 00000188 00000170  RPCRT4.dll  :77e8e10b<-ADVAPI32.dll:77dd744e         MakeSelfRelativeSD ->int=0h (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pAbsoluteSecurityDescriptor=*14F7E8h, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSelfRelativeSecurityDescriptor=*0h<null pointer> <bad ptr>, LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength=*12E150h->4Ch) *** GetLastError() returns 122=0x7a [203]: The data area passed to a system call is too small.
005088 00000188 00000170  ole32.dll   :775166e9<-RPCRT4.dll  :77e8dd7d       RpcServerUseProtseqEpW ->long=0h (RPC_WSTR Protseq=*774EDB24h->6Eh, unsigned int MaxCalls=Bh, RPC_WSTR Endpoint=*12E234h->4Fh, *SecurityDescriptor=*14F7E8h) *** GetLastError() returns 1008=0x3f0 [0]: An attempt was made to reference a token that does not exist.
005121 00000188 00000170  ole32.dll   :7752f5a5<-kernel32.dll:7c81329c       OpenEventA+ ->*=*0h<null pointer> <bad ptr> (DWORD dwDesiredAccess=1F0003h, BOOL bInheritHandle=0h, LPCSTR lpName=*12E2D8h->"MSFT.VSA.COM.DISABLE.392") *** GetLastError() returns 2=0x2 [1008]: The system cannot find the file specified.
005377 00000188 00000170  ole32.dll   :7753c57c<-USER32.dll  :7e41a39a       RegisterClassW+  *** GetLastError() returns 2=0x2 [0]: The system cannot find the file specified.
005853 00000188 00000170  MFC42.DLL   :73e69e97<-ole32.dll   :77517e90     CoRegisterClassObject+ ->long=0h (&rclsid=&4072FCh->struct {unsigned long Data1=FACB5ED2h, unsigned short Data2=7F99h, unsigned short Data3=11D0h, char[8] Data4=['\ADh', '\E2h', '\00h', '\A0h', '\C9h', '\0Dh', '\C8h', '\D9h']}, LPUNKNOWN pUnk=*40731Ch->struct {QueryInterface=AddRef=Release=QueryInterface=}, DWORD dwClsContext=73E80954h, DWORD flags=4h, LPDWORD lpdwRegister=*1h->31004072h)
*** GetLastError() returns 14007=0x36b7 [0]: The requested lookup key was not found in any active activation context.
005916 00000188 00000170  MFC42.DLL   :73ddb5c6<-kernel32.dll:7c80bf19     FindResourceA+  *** GetLastError() returns 1814=0x716 [0]: The specified resource name cannot be found in the image file.
005920 00000188 00000170  MFC42.DLL   :73ddb65c<-kernel32.dll:7c80bf19     FindResourceA+  *** GetLastError() returns 1813=0x715 [1814]: The specified resource type cannot be found in the image file.
005931 00000188 00000170  MFC42.DLL   :73ddd822<-USER32.dll  :7e42e8f6     LoadIconA+  *** GetLastError() returns 1813=0x715 [0]: The specified resource type cannot be found in the image file.
005951 00000188 00000170  MFC42.DLL   :73ddb9c2<-USER32.dll  :7e43ebff     GetClassInfoA+  *** GetLastError() returns 1411=0x583 [1813]: Class does not exist.
005976 00000188 00000170  MFC42.DLL   :73ddb9cd<-USER32.dll  :7e42ea5e     RegisterClassA+  *** GetLastError() returns 2=0x2 [1411]: The system cannot find the file specified.
006074 00000188 00000170  MFC42.DLL   :73ddd864<-USER32.dll  :7e42e8f6     LoadIconA+  *** GetLastError() returns 2=0x2 [0]: The system cannot find the file specified.
006268 00000188 00000170  MFC42.DLL   :73ddb5c6<-kernel32.dll:7c80bf19     FindResourceA+  *** GetLastError() returns 1814=0x716 [0]: The specified resource name cannot be found in the image file.
006271 00000188 00000170  MFC42.DLL   :73ddb65c<-kernel32.dll:7c80bf19     FindResourceA+  *** GetLastError() returns 1813=0x715 [1814]: The specified resource type cannot be found in the image file.
006280 00000188 00000170  MFC42.DLL   :73ddd822<-USER32.dll  :7e42e8f6     LoadIconA+  *** GetLastError() returns 1813=0x715 [0]: The specified resource type cannot be found in the image file.
006296 00000188 00000170  MFC42.DLL   :73ddb9c2<-USER32.dll  :7e43ebff     GetClassInfoA+  *** GetLastError() returns 1411=0x583 [1813]: Class does not exist.
006317 00000188 00000170  MFC42.DLL   :73ddb9cd<-USER32.dll  :7e42ea5e     RegisterClassA+  *** GetLastError() returns 2=0x2 [1411]: The system cannot find the file specified.
006354 00000188 00000170  MFC42.DLL   :73ddbaac<-USER32.dll  :7e43ebff     GetClassInfoA+  *** GetLastError() returns 1411=0x583 [0]: Class does not exist.
006387 00000188 00000170  MFC42.DLL   :73ddb9cd<-USER32.dll  :7e42ea5e     RegisterClassA+  *** GetLastError() returns 2=0x2 [1411]: The system cannot find the file specified.
007508 00000188 00000170  comctl32.dll:5d0948d7<-ADVAPI32.dll:77dd7fba           CheckTokenMembership ->int=0h (HANDLE TokenHandle=714h, PSID SidToCheck=*14FBF0h, PBOOL IsMember=*12CEC4h->0h) *** GetLastError() returns 1309=0x51d [0]: An attempt has been made to operate on an impersonation token by a thread that is not currently impersonating a client.
008325 00000188 00000170  SHELL32.dll :7ca7343d<-kernel32.dll:7c809c88       MultiByteToWideChar ->int=0h (UINT CodePage=0h, DWORD dwFlags=0h, LPCSTR lpMultiByteStr=*16A0058h->"C:\PROGRA~1\SN~348P9\SNAPVIEW.EXE", int cbMultiByte=FFFFFFFFh, LPWSTR lpWideCharStr=*160588h->L"C:\PROGRA~1\SN~348P9\SNAPVIEW.EXE", int cchWideChar=21h) *** GetLastError() returns 122=0x7a [0]: The data area passed to a system call is too small.
^function         Prior function likely jmp-ed to this one
+function         Function also hooked by ThinApp VOS
***               Function generated a potential error

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