My thinapp needs to create a directoy in program files but in the real system. I started with this script.
Function OnFirstSandboxOwner
ExecuteExternalProcess("mkdir " & chr(34) & "c:\program files\directory" & chr(34))
End Function
This didn't work, so i started trying to multiple other stuff. However the following
Function OnFirstSandboxOwner
ExecuteExternalProcess("echo test > c:\test.text")
ExecuteExternalProcess("cmd /k echo test > c:\test2.text")
ExecuteExternalProcess("cmd /s /k echo test > c:\test3.text")
ExecuteExternalProcess("mkdir c:\dir1")
ExecuteExternalProcess("cmd /k mkdir c:\dir2")
ExecuteExternalProcess("cmd /s /k mkdir c:\dir3")
msgbox("not working")
End Function
does not create any directory or file, while executing them on a regular shell (cmd) they work perfect. The msgbox does show up. Any suggestions/help?