I thinapped my InternetExplorer9 on a clean Windows7 VM and have veery bad performance when I run the finished app.
I have tried lots of things to increase the speed. My normal ie9 starts within 5 seconds until it is on google.com, my thinapped ie9 however
needs about 10 seconds, even after the 5th restart. What i tried so far is:
- I compressed the ie9.exe while building
- I set the "AutoStartServices=0" in the Package.ini while building
- I set the "NetRelaunch=0" and "AutoStartServices=0" in the Package.ini
- I set the sandbox-path to %Appdata% and to the local-path (tried both)
- I deleted some unneccessary user-specific folders in the project-path
- I set only InternetExplorer.exe as entry-point
I have tried the last steps in every constellation, but no finished package is better than the others. Do you have any other suggestions for
my problem? (I use the Thinapp_4.7.2 by the way)