As we deploy departments onto Horizon View I am coming across unknown file types that folks use. Typically they use Notepad ++ and just associate it with always opening it in Notepad ++. The file associations are random and some don't even have file associations (the software they are editing the configs for some reason is picky). So I thinapped Notepad ++ associated things like .cfg .ini the basic ones but it can't do all the file types from what I can gather and they are different each time since they use the date. So when I upload it to Horizon if I try to change their default program to use it (which is in streaming mode) it says it isn't authorized by Horizon yet they are entitled to it.
So my question is is there a way around this? Using Horizon to manage my apps is great but a thinapp version of something doesn't seem like it can be set as a default program after the post scan process and uploaded.