i tried to package the citrix pna version 10.150 to 11.000 but failed to do so. When i start the thinapp'ed pnamain.exe it takes 50% of the cpu resources and stands still. I tried nearly everything with different version of hte pna and thinapp.
Today i tried to package the pn agent with xenocode which does nearly the same as thinapp. And to my surprise the package runs fine. It connects to our citrix server and i can start the given appz from the systray as it should be.
Has somebody else tried this and could give me a hint?
(And thx Jeroen for your earlier attemps to help me. As you can see i didn't manage it ...)
PS: I install the pna with this command line
%windir%\system32\msiexec.exe /I "%SOURCEPATH%\ica32pkg.msi" /qn /l*v "%tmp%\ica.log" ENABLE_DYNAMIC_CLIENT_NAME=Yes ENABLE_SSON=Yes ALLOW_REBOOT=No SERVER_LOCATION=http://%SERVERNAME%/citrix/pnagent_client/config.xml REINSTALLMODE=OUMS CTX_PN_ENABLE_CUSTOMICA=No
%SERVERNAME% is the local citrix server