In certain cases, ThinReg.exe displays error messages or warnings on the desktop of the client computer. These messages may be confusing for our end users. We have tried the "/quiet" option but it didn't prohibit these warning- and error messages.
An example:
A virtual application was provided to a client computer. The user has accidentally removed the desktop icon. A ThinReg.exe /u <Virt.Applivcation.exe>" displays the warning: "Errors occurred while uninstalling <Virt. Application.exe>. Some files or registy keys may remain." The user has to quit this box by clicking the "OK" button.
Could you provide an option that allows to direct all error messages and warnings into a log file. No errror box or warning message would appear in case this option was enabled. This would allow us to transfer the log file to a central location and have it analysed by an administrator.
Do you have any other suggetions how the warning and error messages could be suppressed?