Thanks for taking the time to help out a ThinApp first timer!
I am trying to ThinApp a program called Infranet Portal 6.5 because of its java dependencies.
After I build the ThinApp, copy the .exe to my desktop and try to run the application I receive the following error:
Windows cannot find 'C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\PORTAL~1\JRE\BIN\javaw.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.
It seems that during the software installation the main program files go in the folder: C:\Program Files\Portal Software\CustomerCenter\ and the java files go in the folder: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Portal Software\JRE\bin
How do I direct the application to look at the javaw.exe without installing it locally on my workstation?
Here are the settings I have used during the ThinApp and I have attached a copy of the package.ini file that I have not made any changes to:
Using ThinApp 4.6
Entry Point chosen: "Customer Center.exe"
Groups Authorized: "Everyone"
Isolation: have tried both "Full write access" and "Restricted write access"
Sandbox: have tried both "user profile" and "same directory as the application"
Inventory name: "Customer Center 6.5"
Project Locations: "C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware ThinApp\Captures\Customer Center 6.5"
Package Settings:
* Use one of the entry points: "Customer Center.exe"
* NO separate .DAT
* NO msi generation
* NO compression
Thanks to anyone that can assist me here!