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Failed to thinapp Maplesoft maple 13






I'm trying to thinapp maple 13 from Maplesoft, but failed. I used the standard procedure e.g. install maple in a fresh windows sp2 inside VMWare. The problem may be related to load some libraries, but i failed to fix it. Any help is greatly appreciated.



Here is the log of potential errors:



000484 00000120 000007f4  ADVAPI32.dll:77de8277<-kernel32.dll:7c80b529     GetModuleHandleA+ ->=0h<null pointer> <bad ptr> (LPCSTR lpModuleName=*14E778h->"rsaenh.dll") *** GetLastError() returns 126=0x7e : The specified module could not be found.



009031 00000120 000007f4  MSVCR80.dll :781348ca<-kernel32.dll:7c81486a     GetEnvironmentVariableA+ ->unsigned long=0h (LPCSTR lpName=78194B3Ch->"__MSVCRT_HEAP_SELECT", LPSTR lpBuffer=0h<null pointer> <bad ptr>, DWORD nSize=0h) *** GetLastError() returns 203=0xcb : The system could not find the environment option that was entered.



009044 00000120 000007f4  MSVCR80.dll :78133001&lt;-kernel32.dll:7c80ac28     GetProcAddress+ -&gt;=0h&lt;null pointer&gt; &lt;bad ptr&gt; (HMODULE hModule=7c800000h, struct {LPCSTR lpProcName=*78194A2Ch-&gt;"FlsAlloc") *** GetLastError() returns 127=0x7f : The specified procedure could not be found.</font><font color="#3366ff">009486 00000120 000007f4  MSVCR80.dll :78136f3a&lt;-kernel32.dll:7c811069     GetFileType+ -&gt;unsigned long=0h (HANDLE hFile=10001h) *** GetLastError() returns 6=0x6 : The handle is invalid.</font><font color="#3366ff">009682 00000120 000007f4  MSVCR80.dll :7813447f&lt;-kernel32.dll:7c80ac28     GetProcAddress+ -&gt;=0h&lt;null pointer&gt; &lt;bad ptr&gt; (HMODULE hModule=77c10000h, struct {LPCSTR lpProcName=*78194AD4h-&gt;"_get_terminate") *** GetLastError() returns 127=0x7f : The specified procedure could not be found.</font><font color="#3366ff">009734 00000120 000007f4  MSVCR80.dll :78131dcd&lt;-kernel32.dll:7c80b529     GetModuleHandleA+ -&gt;=0h&lt;null pointer&gt; &lt;bad ptr&gt; (LPCSTR lpModuleName=*7819499Ch-&gt;"MSCoree.dll") *** GetLastError() returns 126=0x7e : The specified module could not be found.</font><font color="#3366ff">009756 00000120 000007f4  MSVCR80.dll :78131ef9&lt;-kernel32.dll:7c823537     FindActCtxSectionStringW+ -&gt;int=0h (DWORD dwFlags=0h, lpExtensionGuid=0h&lt;null pointer&gt; &lt;bad ptr&gt;, ULONG ulSectionId=2h, LPCWSTR lpStringToFind=*78194974h-&gt;L"msvcr80.dll", ReturnedData=1265B8h-&gt;struct {ULONG cbSize=40h, ULONG ulDataFormatVersion=0h, PVOID lpData=0h&lt;null pointer&gt; &lt;bad ptr&gt;, ULONG ulLength=0h, PVOID lpSectionGlobalData=0h&lt;null pointer&gt; &lt;bad ptr&gt;, ULONG ulSectionGlobalDataLength=0h, PVOID lpSectionBase=0h&lt;null pointer&gt; &lt;bad ptr&gt;, ULONG ulSectionTotalLength=0h, HANDLE hActCtx=0h, ULONG ulAssemblyRosterIndex=0h, ULONG ulFlags=0h, struct AssemblyMetadata=struct {PVOID lpInformation=0h&lt;null pointer&gt; &lt;bad ptr&gt;, PVOID lpSectionBase=0h&lt;null pointer&gt; &lt;bad ptr&gt;, ULONG ulSectionLength=0h, PVOID lpSectionGlobalDataBase=A8160000h, ULONG ulSectionGlobalDataLength=567Fh}}) *** GetLastError() returns 14007=0x36b7 : The requested lookup key was not found in any active activation context.



009977 00000120 000007f4  MSVCR80.dll :7813986e&lt;-USER32.dll  :77d8050b     MessageBoxA+ -&gt;int=1h (HWND hWnd=0h, LPCSTR lpText=781C3808h-&gt;"Runtime Error!\0Ah\0AhProgram: C:\Program Files\Maple 13\bin.win\maplew.exe\0Ah\0AhR6034\0Dh\0AhAn application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorre.. ", LPCSTR lpCaption=78194898h-&gt;"Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library", UINT uType=12010h) *** GetLastError() returns 1813=0x715 : The specified resource type cannot be found in the image file.



009998 00000000 000007f4                                              DllMain(DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) for C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_6b128700\MSVCR80.dll -&gt; 0 (    failed) 010000 00000000 000007f4                                              Module 78130000 (C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_6b128700\MSVCR80.dll) returned 0 for DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH!  Will now be freed...   010002 00000000 000007f4                                                  DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH for C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_6b128700\MSVCR80.dll failed 010024 00000120 000007f4  MSVCR80.dll :78132b71&lt;-kernel32.dll:7c809750     TlsGetValue -&gt;=0h&lt;null pointer&gt; &lt;bad ptr&gt; (DWORD dwTlsIndex=FFFFFFFFh) *** GetLastError() returns 87=0x57 : The parameter is incorrect. 010072 00000000 000007f4                                                  Exception EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION on write to 0x10 (VirtualBlock 0x0-0x10000 Type=unknown Protection=PAGE_NOACCESS ) from unknown_module:0x7c918fea 010116 000



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