Hi there,
We're aware Cognos 7.4 doesn't run on Windows 7 (in fact, when I install it on there, it comes up with the same error).
So, we're trying to Thinapp it. Steps:
- Prescan on clean Win XP SP3 VM.
- Install Oracle 9.2 Runtime Client
- Copy TNSNAMES.ORA & SQLNET.ORA to C:\oracle\ora92\network\ADMIN folder.
- Install Cognos Impromptu 7.4.
- Test connectivity to database using SQL PLUS & Cognos Impromptu. Both work.
- Postscan & Build.
- Install Thinapp MSI onto Win7 machine.
- Test connectivity using SQL PLUS. Works fine using the TNSNAMES.ORA file.
- Test connectivity using Cognos Imprompu.
- Run Cognos.
- 'Catalog' menu --> 'Open'
- Browse to .CAT file and open.
- Select the correct User Class
- Type the password in and select OK.
- Error appears which says following: Error number -4: <CR><CR>DMS-E-CONNECTREJECT, A connection has been rejected by the remote interface during operation 'attach database'. <CR>ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name
- The TNSNAMES entry is correct.
- I have installed Cognos to 'C:\Cognos\cer5' folder as per IBM instructions (tho they were about making 7.5 work, not 7.4)
Has anyone else got any ideas?
Best wishes,