For some reason, I really need to build a IE 8 thinapp with JRE 1.3.
But I am failed to have it run properly in Windows 7 but no problem in Windows XP.
It come out with the attached error.
What I have done was.
1. Prescan
2. Install IE 8
3. Install JRE 1.3
4. Open IE and uncheck "Enable memory protection....." under Internet Option -> Advanced
5. Close IE
6. Open IE and go to www.javatester.org/version.html to make sure I have the JRE 1.3 installed
7. Postscan
8. Make iexplore.exe as entry point
9. Use "restricted write access" as isolation mode
10. Follow Step 7 of http://blogs.vmware.com/thinapp/2008/10/step-by-step-in-2.html to appropriate files
11. Build
Please. I really need help.
Many thanks.