I have IE 6 virtualized and am trying to use it on a Win 7 64 bit OS running IE 8 natively. The thinapp IE6 package runs fine however the browser redirection feature (thindirect) is not working. The issue is that the thindirect launcher is not launching the virtual browser. Thindirect.exe, thindirect.dll, and VirtIE6.txt are all in the correct location. Thindirect is also showing in add/remove programs, and the thindirect IE helper object is showing as enabled yet it will not redirect my specified websites. I've already tried the solutions from the VMware KB: http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1027375
If I install the same thinapp VirtIE6.msi package on a win XP OS the browser redirection does work correctly, just not on Win 7.
Any ideas???