I packaged MSOffice Visio Standard 2007 application on Windows XP SP3 OS using ThinApp 4.7.2. I used below reference
http://pubs.vmware.com/thinapp4/help/wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm (Also tried without .net)
I enbled MSI for this package and deployed to Windows 7 Enterprise OS (User Desktop) where Office 2010 installed but it failed to launch. Package configuration details as below
- Visio install to VisioStd.2K7 folder instead of C:\Programs Files\Microsoft Office\
- Visio License Type = MAK
- While packaging network disabled
- Used Office Customization Tool and create a MSP for silent install
- Visio is full install
- After package deleted $PatchCache$ from C:\Windows\Installer\
- If I delete MSOCache Folder then it failed to launch. Enclosed the attachment for this (Microsoft Office Visio Std 2007.zip)
- I followed the steps in the above KB
Don't know what I am missing...
I attached the error message here and the package.ini (package.txt) file. This is our critical application.
Could someone please let me know the best practice to package this successfully.